SSC GD Constable 2023: Scorecard release date extended to May 8

The final marks release date for the SSC GD exam for the Constable (GD) in the…

The policemen arrived in civil dress to catch the criminal, the villagers thrashed them fiercely

Jhansi Crime: A strange case has come to light from Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh. Here the…

Punjab Police to release notification for Constable, SI recruitment in January

The Punjab Police is likely to release the notification for recruitment to Constable and Sub Inspector…

Odisha Police Recruitment: Apply for 4790 constables post at

The State Selection Board (SSB) Odisha has begun the application process for 4790 vacancies of Constables…

CRPF recruitment 2022: 1458 ASI, Head Constable posts on offer, apply from Jan 4

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has notified vacancies for 1458 ASI, Head Constable posts. The application…

Punjab Police Recruitment 2023: Advt for 2,100 Constable, SI posts in January

The Punjab Police is expected to release notification for 2,100 Constable and Sub Inspector (SI) posts…

In Haryana, the policeman gave poison to his wife: In the desire to marry a fellow female employee, the incident took place; Used to oppose illegal relationship

Panipat41 minutes ago copy link In Haryana, a Delhi Police constable poisoned his wife at Chhadiya…

Punjab Police to recruit 8,400 personnel in next 4 years, notice in January

The Bhagwant Mann-led Punjab Cabinet on Monday approved recruitment of 8,400 personnel in Punjab Police in…

Extend SSC GD 2022 application window, ask aspirants as website loading slow

SSC Constable GD 2022: Some aspirants applying for SSC Constable GD 2022 have requested the commission…

AP Police Recruitment 2022: SLRB notification for 6500+ SI, Constable posts out

AP Police Recruitment 2022: State Level Recruitment Board (SLRB) Andhra Pradesh has announced over 6,500 vacancies…

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