মাওয়ের সমকক্ষ হতে চলেছেন শি! তৃতীয় বারের জন্যও অজেয়, বললেন, ‘চিনকে দরকার বিশ্বের’

<p><strong>বেজিং:</strong> কয়েক দিন আগেই অস্থিরতার খবর শোনা যাচ্ছিল। কিন্তু সব গুঞ্জন নস্যাৎ করে নিজেকে অজেয় প্রমাণ…

China Politics: Xi Jinping will become the most powerful leader after the coronation, expels opponents

Xi Jinping: China’s ruling Communist Party Congress meeting concluded on Saturday, paving the way for Xi…

Will Xi Jinping remain the President of China for life? Know everything about China’s CPC meeting

CPC National Congress Meeting: The five-year meeting of the Communist Party of China is going to…

How will China weaken if Chinese President Jinping comes to power again?

China President Xi Jinping: In China, the day of October 16 is going to prove to…

China: Xi Jinping has prepared for it never to end

Xi Jinping Will Be More Powerful: The Communist Party of China has made full preparations to…

Xi Jinping’s second term is coming to an end, emerging as China’s most powerful leader after Mao

China’s Communist Party Sets Stage For Xi Jinping: The Communist Party of China has set the…

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