Study Report: ‘If you are fond of drinking coffee, then life can be long’, claimed in research

Research Report: According to a recent study, people who drink 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee with or without sugar or low-sugar coffee per day increase their lifespan by seven years. On the other hand, nothing has been said clearly about the aging of coffee drinkers by adding artificial sweetener. Its research report has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Studies related to the effect of coffee on people’s health have found that consuming coffee is associated with a lower risk of death in people who drink coffee with added sugar or sweetener.

The claim made in the research report

Researchers at Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, used data from the UK Biobank Study Health Behavior Questionnaire to study coffee drinkers, non-sugar coffee drinkers and coffee drinkers with artificial sweeteners, after which they said .

For this study, more than 171,000 UK participants who did not have cancer or heart disease were asked questions related to their coffee drinking habits and consumption. found that for 7 years, those who drank unsweetened coffee were 16 to 21 percent less likely to die than participants who did not drink coffee.

After this, participants who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee with sugar daily were 29 to 31 percent less likely to die than participants who did not drink coffee. But these were the people who drank sweetened coffee with added sugar and added only 1 teaspoon of sugar per cup of coffee on average. The results were inconclusive for participants who used artificial sweeteners in their coffee.

drinking coffee is not bad for health

Researchers in the Annals of Internal Medicine said that coffee has properties that can increase your lifespan and do not affect your health either. The authors said the information provided by the people involved in this research is at least 10 years old and has been collected from a country where tea is equally popular.

The average daily sugar content per cup of coffee recorded in this analysis is much lower than that of a specialty drink at a restaurant, and many coffee drinkers may consume it in place of other beverages. Based on this data, physicians can tell their patients that most coffee drinkers do not need to eliminate the drink from their diet, but need to be cautious about high-calorie specialty coffees.

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