Student jumped in Hiranyavati river in Kushinagar: Throwing bicycle jumped on the bridge, divers are searching

kushinagarOne hour ago

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In the evening, the student jumped in the Hiranyavati river passing through Kushinagar Tirahe of Kasaya police station area of ​​Kushinagar. The reasons could not be known, people are telling the matter of being with the stopper lying at home regarding studies. The family is in a bad condition. With the help of divers, the police is trying to find the body.

According to the information, Anurag Chaudhary son Rambelas, a resident of Mundera village of Kasaya police station area, was an inter-college student in a school in Kasaya. On Tuesday evening, the student jumped into the Hiranyavati river passing through the Mahaparinirvana site of Lord Buddha. According to the eyewitnesses, student Anurag had reached the bridge on National Highway 28 on the Kushinagar intersection with a bicycle. First threw his bicycle down from the bridge, seeing people from afar, until he could understand something, Anurag jumped into the Hiranyavati river with a bag.
People reached the spot.

People reached the spot.

Seeing the incident of the student jumping into the river, people reached the spot informing the police and his whereabouts were nowhere to be seen. With the help of divers, the police started the search, his bag was found at some distance from the river bridge, but the cycle and Anurag were nowhere to be found. When Anurag got information about jumping into the river, he reached the spot and was in a bad condition. Sunil Kumar, who came to Kushinagar, told that Anurag was scolded by the family members about something. Anurag, who comes by scooty everyday, came to school by bicycle today. He was reported to have jumped into the river. Former MLA of Kushinagar, Rajinikanth Mani Tripathi, who reached the spot, congratulated the victim’s family.

SHO Kasaya said that on the information of a student jumping into the river, the police team reached the spot. Where his bag was found, it came to know that Anurag Chaudhary, son of Mundera village, is Rambelas Chaudhary. The reason for his jumping into the river and his reason is not yet known. Search is being done with the help of divers, after which further action will be taken.

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