Stairs in place of parking in the map, basement without approval: Municipal corporation vandalized the building near Ladowali gates on violence

  • Hindi News
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  • Jalandhar
  • On Violation Municipal Corporation Building Branch Demolish Stairs In Newly Constructed Building Near Railway Fatak Ladowali Road

Jalandhar26 minutes ago

Municipal machine vandalizing the new building being built on the wall

In Jalandhar city, the building branch of the Municipal Corporation is continuously taking strict cognizance of the violation of many rules in the buildings these days. Just two days ago, after demolishing a house being built in an illegal colony, today the corporation team took strong action on Ladowali road in the middle of the city and ransacked a new building being built.

The building branch of the Municipal Corporation has taken action on the non-construction of the building as per the map passed in a building near the railway gates on Ladowali Road today. The building in which the municipal team has taken the demolition action by taking machines, was earlier issued a notice regarding the violation in the building.

In Ladowali, a commercial building is being constructed at the railway gates by passing a map in the name of a woman named Kamini. A basement was made in the map of this building, which was not near anywhere in the map. Apart from this, parking was shown in the building. But even at the parking space, the builders covered the parking lot by making stairs.

New building being constructed on Ladowali road in which the corporation took action

Apart from this, according to the map which was passed in the building, many rules were ignored in it by not constructing the building. When the inspector of the building branch checked it, he issued a notice regarding the violation and also told his ATP Sukhdev Vishisht. ATP Sukhdev Vishisht had issued a notice to Kamini, in whose name the map is nearby, to remove the violation.

But the owners of the building took the notice very lightly and continued to do more violence despite the violence. On which today the inspectors and employees of the building branch, acting under the leadership of ATP Sukhdev Vishisht, demolished the stairs being built at the parking lot of the under construction building. The owners have also been instructed to work according to the map, otherwise the building can also be sealed.

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