Spinal cord injuries: Common causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Spinal cord injury refers to the damage in spinal cord resulting from trauma, disease or degeneration for example, trauma could be due to a car crash, while degeneration could be due to a medical condition or a disease. Nearly 90 per cent of the spinal cord injuries are due to trauma and the rest 10 per cent are due to other reasons however, the incidence of spinal cord injuries across the globe is increasing steadily.

Common causes and symptoms:

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Gurneet Singh Sawhney, Senior Consultant – Neurosurgery at Fortis Hospital in Mulund, revealed, “The most common causes of spinal cord injury are motor vehicle accidents, falls, gunshot wounds, sports injuries and surgical complications. The symptoms of spinal cord injury depend upon the type and the location of the damage in the spinal cord. However, the patient can complain of weakness and/or less sensation in arms and/or legs, loss of bowel control or bladder, severe pain or pressure in the neck or back region, difficulty in breathing and unusual lumps detected along the spine. Also, these patients are likely to complain of chronic pain.”


According to Dr Gurneet Singh Sawhney, “Diagnosis of spinal cord injury includes checking the motor and sensory functioning. The diagnostic tests include CT scan, MRI, X-rays and electromyogram (EMG) to ascertain the extent of damage and decide on the treatment and management of spinal cord injuries.”

Management and treatment of spinal cord injury:

Dr Gurneet Singh Sawhney explained, “Emergency treatment of the spinal cord begins at the accident site. It is essential to take utmost care to reduce the effects of neck and head trauma, if any. The spine of the injured patient is immobilized using a rigid carrying board and neck collar when transported to the hospital. At the hospital, the early stage of treatment ensures the patient can breathe properly and prevent further shock and neck immobilization from further damage. Other complications to look out for are respiratory or cardiovascular difficulty, formation of deep vein blood clots in hands and/or legs, and urine or stool retention.”

He elaborated, “If required, corticosteroid injection is also given within eight hours after the injury as it helps to improve blood flow, preserve nerve function and reduce inflammation. The patient is immobilized using traction, special braces and soft neck collars to stabilize or align the spine. The doctors perform surgery to remove foreign objects, pieces of bone, fractured vertebrae or herniated disks or blood clots, as detected or to stabilize the spine and prevent deformity and pain in the future. It is essential to bear in mind that spinal cord damage is irreversible. Hence, the treatment focuses on preventing further damage and ensuring that the patient returns to an active and productive life.”

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