South Africa: Man convicted in 90 rape cases, used to target school girls

South Africa Rape Cases: Court has convicted a man accused in 90 cases of rape in South Africa. Some children below the age of 9 were also involved in these cases. This incident shook the entire country. A court in Palm Ridge has convicted a 38-year-old man named Nakosinathi Fakthi. This person had made many people his victim along with innocent girls for the last 9 years.

National Prosecuting Authority spokeswoman Lumka Mahajana said in a statement that Nakosinathi used to target girls who went to school or those who went to work. Even he did not leave people in his house and made a victim of his lust. He further told that he used to enter the houses under the pretext of electrician or any other pretext to fix the geyser in the houses and used to commit rape incidents. There have also been some cases in which he made more than one person his victim.

mostly used to target children

Lumka Mahajana says that this person mostly used to target girls. This goth has made a victim from a 9-year-old girl to a 44-year-old woman. Fakthi carried out these crimes continuously from the year 2012 to the year 2021 in or near Ekurhuleni, east of Johannesburg. Fakthi was arrested in the month of March last year when he was returning from a victim’s house after committing a crime.

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Recognizing this, the police allegedly shot him in the leg. After this his leg had to be amputated. Fakthi has been convicted in 90 cases of rape, 4 of forcible rape, 43 of kidnapping, 2 of assault and 4 of theft.

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