So will Corona end this year? WHO chief expressed hope, said- In deaths from Kovid-19…

COVID-19 Pandemic: The outbreak of Coronavirus, which has taken millions of lives worldwide, has come to an end. Now cases of its infection are coming in only a few countries, that too very few. Corona was an epidemic, but now it is under control. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that this epidemic will end this year.

World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday (14 March) that he expects the coronavirus pandemic to end in 2023. This statement of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been shown on the WHO website.

This virus will end now!
Ghebreyesus’ statement said, “When we first used the word ‘pandemic’ three years ago, now the weekly number of reported deaths has dropped drastically. This is a huge improvement, which is very important.” ” He said, “I am confident that at some point this year we will be able to say that COVID-19 is over. And, it will no longer be of international concern as a pandemic, as it will be a public health emergency.” had become the reason for

‘Lessons should be learned from this epidemic’
He said that everyone should learn the lessons of this epidemic. “If we don’t draw lessons from this, we will repeat the cycle of panic and neglect that has characterized the global response to pandemics and pandemics for decades,” Ghebreyesus said.

This epidemic was spread from China
It may be noted that the coronavirus started spreading in the year 2019 from the Wuhan region of China. Since the beginning of the year 2020, many countries of the world had come under its grip. In 2021, the Corona epidemic created a furore in the whole world. Then COVID was declared an international emergency by the World Health Organisation. To prevent the spread of this epidemic, a lockdown was imposed in March 2020 in many big countries including India. And, after that many more restrictions had to be imposed. Crores of cases of corona infection were registered in America, China, India and Brazil.

Read also: World Health Organization said – the danger of Kovid-19 in the world, the health emergency is not over

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