Shraddha Arya on her leg injury: It’s an individual choice to work for somebody or be their slave, I refuse to be one

Shraddha Arya has suffered a major leg injury and is on a wheelchair, but the actor continues to go on sets of her show. “Since I am part of a daily soap, I have to go to work once in a few days to shoot my scenes. They (team of the show) are not making me exert but going from home to the set, and then moving back and forth from vanity to the shoot location, is quite a task. But I have to do it. When you do a daily soap, you can’t really stop,” says the Kundali Bhagya actor.
Shraddha Arya is a popular face of Indian television.

However, Arya points out that, at present, she is “willingly” doing it. “I agree that my fractured leg needs complete rest, but I can’t sit for too long at home. I get bored easily. Secondly, when you make a commitment for a project, you get attached to it and the people associated with it. Sometimes, out of love, you help them even when it’s difficult for you.”

Having said that, Arya adds, “If there comes a time when it’s absolutely out of question to be present at work, I will not think twice before prioritizing my health or personal life over work. For me, it’s more important than anything else.” To take that decision, she says, one has to be confident “that whatever the outcome or consequence be, he/she will be ready to face it,” and I have that confidence.

She also shares the perspective of those working under the house, and says, “They are doing their job in asking you to come, no matter what the production situation is. Of course, they would want their telecast to happen on time. But it’s an individual’s choice to work for somebody or be their slaves. I choose to work for the production house with discipline, and put in all my hard work, but I refuse to be their slave. There is a line between personal and professional life and I never let it smudge,” Arya tells us, and goes on “But that no where means that one should overlook their work intentionally if the other party is being supportive.”

But the actor is happy to have got the right set of people to work with, who understand her problems. “In my case, the good part is people I work with do understand if I have trouble shooting. Like today, it’s 4:30 and I haven’t even reached the set. Still, nobody is calling me or hassling me because they do I understand that I am going to take my own time, take medicines and then come. I live on my own terms. As a professional I will always try to fulfill my responsibility but like I said, if choosing my work in that moment is not possible, then I will never think twice before giving up,” she wraps up.

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