‘Seven creepy insects that do not need to be afraid’

Research On Insects: Most animals on earth are without a backbone. Such as insects, spider families and hard-shelled aquatic animals. These amazing animals are very important to our ecological system: they are pollinators, pest controllers, soil builders and waste management. Organisms without backbones also serve as food for countless other animals.

Despite all their hard work, many of these creatures are often counted as creepy creatures. Their strange-looking bodies may seem like a nightmare, but most species with no backbones are not harmful to humans.

Australian spider- Delena carcinoides

Native to Australia, social predatory spiders (Delena carcinoides) live in large family groups under the loose bark of trees that have withered or withered. Social huntsman spiders are extremely gentle and rarely bite humans and when they do, they cause minimal harm. Unlike most spider species, Delena carcinoides lives in groups with one large adult female and has up to 300 offspring. Spiders aggressively defend their home against outsiders. They have the ability to recognize people outside their clan.

At night, these hunters come out of their house to hunt insects. If there are many spiders in front of the same insect on getting prey, then instead of fighting with each other, they divide the food among themselves. Spider species prefer to starve to death rather than to eat a fellow spider. By eating large numbers of insects, social hauntsmen help keep insect populations under control.

Australian Cockroach – Macropanesthea rhinocerus

These cockroaches feed on dried leaves of eucalyptus, which they collect and drag into their burrows. By stirring and mixing the soil during this time, giant cockroaches help keep the soil healthy. She is also a very good mother, who feeds and takes care of her babies for nine months after birth. The giant cockroach also lives an astonishingly long time, reaching up to 10 years.

Moths – Baphomet Insect

Baphomate moths that are strangely inflating their limbs can be scary to watch – but in reality they are just looking for love. When male Baphomet moths sense the presence of the female, they inflate huge, tent-like organs called ‘koramata’, which create a unique chemical bouquet to seduce the female. As caterpillars, male Baphomate moths eat leaves of plants that contain a chemical called pyrrolizidine alkaloids to create a scent to attract their females.

Plants produce these alkaloids to deter animals from munching on plants, but Baphomate moths have developed a way to convert these chemicals into their attractive aroma.

Black Soldier Fly Maggots

This huge community of insects may not seem like one of nature’s wonders, but the larvae of the black solder fly are astonishing. Soldier fly insects rapidly eat food through a unique process that physics has named the ‘Maggot Fountain’.

The incredible speed at which maggots prevent food waste has attracted the attention of scientists, who hope to use soldier fly maggots to convert waste products such as animal feces and food waste into maggot-based proteins , which can be fed to animals or humans.

tailless whip scorpion

Tailless whip scorpions are not actually scorpions, but belong to an unusual group of insects called amblypigi. Despite their fearsome appearance, amblypygid lack venom and are timid animals that rarely bite unless they are threatened. These shy animals prefer to hide in moist habitats such as in leaf litter, inside caves or under bark.

Amblypigi have long front legs which act as feelers and help them locate their prey. Once prey is detected, amblypygids use their sharp pedipalps to crush their prey. Some of these species show complex social behavior. In this, the mother keeps her children near   for one year and takes care of them.

Giant Elephant Mosquito

Astonishingly 8 mm in length, the Australian elephant mosquito is the largest mosquito species in the world. Most female mosquitoes require a dose of blood to provide nutrients to their growing eggs. Female elephant mosquitoes feed on other aquatic insects and collect essential nutrients. 

common scorpion fly 

There is a peculiar similarity between a scorpion fly and a scorpion. With a terrifying habit of eating human corpses, their appearance is so scary that it might remind you of a horror movie. Fortunately, scorpions, as their name suggests, are not flying scorpions, nor are they capable of harming a human. In fact, the ‘stings’ of scorpions are enlarged but genital.

Male scorpions try to entice females by offering them a dead insect or a drop of saliva. Scorpion flies are mostly scavengers and are often seen stealing prey from spider webs.

Also read: This is a special horned spider, can its bite cause death?

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