Scorpio car recovered in Bhiwani murder case registered in the name of Panchayat Raj Department of Haryana

Rajasthan Crime: A Scorpio vehicle was recovered by the Bharatpur police of Rajasthan in connection with the kidnapping and burning of Nasir and Junaid from Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. It has now been told that the white colored Scorpio jeep bearing the number HR70-4177 is registered in the name of the Panchayat Raj Department of Haryana. This car was recovered by Bharatpur police from Somnath Gaushala located in Jind district of Haryana. According to the police investigation, this Scorpio vehicle was used by the two accused involved in the Bhiwani murder case. Police has told that traces of blood have been found on the seat of this vehicle. The police expect that after beating up Junaid and Nasir, both of them would have been taken around in a car. During that time only the blood of both of them must have got on the seat. 

According to the information, the Scorpio jeep recovered from Haryana by Rajasthan Police is still registered in the name of Panchayat Raj Department of Haryana. . The Scorpio vehicle was engaged in the Zilla Parishad department of Jind district. Now the question arises that when the Scorpio vehicle is registered in the name of Panchayat Raj Department of Haryana, then how did it reach those accused. Rajasthan Police had investigated this vehicle before recovering it. The movement of this vehicle was found from Firozpur Jhirka to Bhiwani and Jind districts. In which two accused were sitting during the murder of Nasir and Junaid. A Bolero vehicle was found burnt near K Luharu. In which the dead bodies of two persons were also found in burnt condition. When the police started the investigation after registering the case, in the investigation of the police, the movement of a Scorpio vehicle was seen around the spot, in which 2 accused were aboard. When the police recovered the Scorpio from the Somnath Gaushala in Jind district, blood was found on the seat of the Scorpio vehicle. The Police is investigating. The blood of Nasir and Junaid is also being matched. The blood found on the seat of this recovered vehicle. He is also being investigated and it is being ascertained whether this blood belonged to Junaid and Nasir.

What the police said
Inspector General of Police Gaurav Srivastava Told that when the police recovered the Scorpio vehicle, on checking it found that the Scorpio vehicle was registered in the name of CEO Zilla Parishad, Jind, but on inquiry with the Zilla Parishad found that the Scorpio was auctioned in 2020 by the Zilla Parishad. Now the police is probing who bought the Scorpio through auction from Zilla Parishad Jind and what is his relation with these accused.

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