Russia’s allegation – Ukraine can fire dirty bombs on its soil, know how dangerous it is

The eyes of the whole world are on the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has been going on for several months. With each passing day, the ongoing war between these two countries is becoming frightening. The way to stop the war is coming out neither through talks nor through international intervention. Both countries are accusing each other of increasing the war. In this sequence, now Russia has accused Ukraine of planning to detonate radioactive dirty bombs on its own soil.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on Sunday discussed the “rapidly deteriorating situation” in the Ukraine war with NATO countries, accusing Ukraine of planning to detonate radioactive dirty bombs. However, he did not have any concrete evidence to prove his point.

What did the Defense Minister of Russia say?

Shoigu said Ukraine could escalate conflict between the two countries by detonating radioactive dirty bombs. Ukraine will try to defame Russia on international forums by dropping this bomb on its soil. A dirty bomb is similar to an atomic bomb, because its detonation also emits radioactive waste. Its explosion is not as destructive as an atomic bomb, but it spreads radiation on a large scale.

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Zelensky counterattacked on Russia’s claim

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hit back in his nightly video message, dismissing Russia’s allegations. “If anyone can use a nuclear weapon in this part of Europe, it is only one country,” Zelensky said. Ukraine is a supporter of the NPT and does not want to build an atomic bomb. Russia always accuses others of things they are planning.

Will Russia use nuclear weapons?

There seems to be no end to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In such a situation, the question is whether Russia can use an atomic bomb. Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed to the use of nuclear weapons on Ukraine in several forums, after which the possibility of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons is increasing.

If Russia does this, it will be a disastrous step. Nuclear weapons are considered a means of mass destruction because the radioactive effect produced by them is dangerous for many generations to come. Let us tell you that so far only two nuclear weapons have been used. In 1945, the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. This incident that happened during the Second World War is still remembered today. Now whether Putin will use nuclear weapons or not, only time will tell.

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