Risk for 7 thousand lives: There is a shift of 12-12 hours in the factory, people said – accidents keep happening here

Aligarh7 minutes ago

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Aligarh’s Aldua Meat Factory, where ammonia gas leaked on Thursday. 59 people lost their lives. Six factory officials were also arrested. But, even after such a big incident, the people around the factory were not ready to speak about it. He had a strange fear. They were just saying that he was not on the spot at the time of the incident. Been there a while back.

But, when Bhaskar investigated deeply, it was found that the number of minors working in the factory is very high. Among those who reached the hospital, 12 are minors, while 12 are in the age group of 18 to 22 years. They are working in the factory keeping only 7 thousand rupees in their hands in a month. They are being made to work for 12-12 hours every day.

Minor girls from the factory have also been admitted to the hospital.

Minor girls from the factory have also been admitted to the hospital.

girls up to 12 years working
Hearing the news of the accident in the factory, a woman named Amina reached the factory running. Her 4 daughters work in the factory. Amina told that the names of her daughters are Ruksana, Sanjana, Ritu and Taslim. One of them is 17 years old, the second is 15, the third is 16 and the fourth is 12 years old.

Amina told that her village is Manu Nagla. But, she lives with her family in Aligarh. Her daughters come to the factory from Aligarh every day. Little did he know that the unconscious had been sent to the hospital. So she went straight to the factory.

Amina told that her 4 daughters work in the factory.  Those who get 7-7 thousand rupees a month.

Amina told that her 4 daughters work in the factory. Those who get 7-7 thousand rupees a month.

Mother of two daughters said – work for 12-12 hours
Another woman along with Amina had reached the factory to find out her daughters. This woman also lives in Aligarh. Her two daughters Mehak and Bushra both work in the factory. He told that Mehak’s age is 17 and Bushra’s is 18 years.

He told that he had not received any information from the factory. Information about the accident was received from other people. After this she could not stop herself and ran straight to the factory. Now she will go and find out her daughters, where are their daughters.

Mehek and Bushra's mother, who work in the factory, told that their daughters are made to work for 12-12 hours.

Mehek and Bushra’s mother, who work in the factory, told that their daughters are made to work for 12-12 hours.

People of the area were in panic
A major accident was averted due to the leakage of ammonia gas inside the meat factory. The police-administration staff reached here. But when the people around were talked to, they categorically denied having any information.

Bhura, who works at the dhaba located right in front of the factory, told that he did not know anything when the accident happened in the factory. When the ambulances and the administration vehicles arrived at one-and-a-half o’clock, they felt that something had happened in the factory. During this he also seemed very scared.

Bhura, who worked in the dhaba in front of the factory, avoided saying anything.

Bhura, who worked in the dhaba in front of the factory, avoided saying anything.

The young man said – people told us
Danish, who lives near the factory, told that he also works in a factory. But he could not get information about the leakage of ammonia. An acquaintance of his came home and told him that such an accident had happened. After that he reached the spot. He has no idea about this.

Danish, who works in the meat factory, said that he was not aware of the incident.

Danish, who works in the meat factory, said that he was not aware of the incident.

Jarrah said – accidents keep happening
No one was ready to speak against the factory operators. There were also some people on the spot, who were threatening the people around and asking them to leave. But in the midst of this, Dipesh Goswami, who runs Jarrah’s shop, told that such accidents keep happening in the factory.

He told that about 45 days ago also there was a gas leak, in which 15 girls had fainted. He was then brought to his clinic. There he was treated. But this time the incident was bigger. Around 40 girls were taken in a bus in front of him. Dipesh said that there are frequent cases of gas leakage in factories.

Dipesh, who runs a Jarrah shop in front of the factory, said that accidents happen every day in factories.

Dipesh, who runs a Jarrah shop in front of the factory, said that accidents happen every day in factories.

Suspects seen around the factory
No record of workers has been found in the factory after the incident. From this it is being guessed that outsiders are doing more work here. The investigating officers are also linking the connections of these laborers with Rohingya and Bangladeshis. But, this situation will be clear only after investigation.

After the incident, some suspicious people were also seen around the factory. They looked like factory workers. But, when asked to speak to him, he started giving the opposite answer. Neither did he give his name nor address. On being asked, he said that Kasganj lives and while walking he reached near the factory. His reply seemed to suggest that he was suspicious and had no permanent address.

Many suspects were seen around the factory.  On asking the name and address, he was also getting ready to dispute.

Many suspects were seen around the factory. On asking the name and address, he was also getting ready to dispute.

Basic school is 50 meters away from the factory
A school of Basic Education Department is operating at a distance of about 50 meters from Aldua factory. Meat factories are running on both sides of this school. Some people, on the condition of anonymity, said that after the incident, the children were removed from there.

But, the big question is if there are factories from either side and there are many factories running around. If the situation of the gas leak was not handled, then the life of the innocent students studying in the school could also be in danger.

A few steps away from the Meat Factory is the Pre-Secondary School of the Basic Education Department.

A few steps away from the Meat Factory is the Pre-Secondary School of the Basic Education Department.

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