Rise in corona infection among children below 12 years of age in Delhi, experts gave this advice

Delhi Covid-19 News: There is a continuous increase in the cases of corona across the country. In such a situation, the number of Kovid infected (Covid-19) children in Delhi is continuously increasing. In the last one week, the number of infected children has increased significantly. However, these cases have mostly been mild. At the same time, doctors have warned parents of children suffering from obesity, asthma and other immunocompromised conditions not to ignore the symptoms. There has been an increase in the number of children with Covid-like symptoms in child OPDs in hospitals.

These symptoms seen in children
Doctors have said that there has also been an increase in hospitalization of children under two years of age with adenovirus (similar to Covid). According to doctors, there is a very subtle difference between adenovirus and corona virus. Doctors say that it is difficult to know the difference between common cold, fever, adenovirus and Kovid-19 without tests. Symptoms of illness in children include fever, runny nose and cough, even if they do not have phlegm. Doctors say that his condition improves in 48 hours. Fever also subsides in 2-3 days. However, the cough persists for 2-3 weeks. Whereas pneumonia is not usually seen in normal and healthy children.

Total number of infected 20,14,637
Children suffering from other diseases including asthma and steroids or kidney disease are coming to the fore. At the same time, cases of chest infection are being seen in children suffering from leukemia. Experts say that children should start wearing masks in school. With this, 699 new cases of Kovid-19 were reported in Delhi on Sunday. While the Korana virus infection rate was 21.15 percent. Four people suffering from Kovid-19 died in the city. The incident of death of people due to corona is worrying. Delhi government’s health bulletin said that with new cases in Delhi corona virus The number of infected has increased to 20,14,637. While the death toll has gone up to 26,540.

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