Rijiju counts 5 big mistakes of Nehru on Kashmir: Said- 70 years the country bears the brunt, Modi rectified them

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  • Kashmir Accession | Kiren Rijiju On Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Over Kashmir Merger

New Delhi32 minutes ago

Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Thursday attacked former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru by tweeting one after the other. Rijiju counted 5 big mistakes of Nehru and said- The country is suffering for the last 70 years due to the mistakes of Pandit Nehru regarding the merger of Jammu and Kashmir. In 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi rectified it by removing Article 370.

Here, Congress has retaliated on Rijiju’s statement without naming him. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said- Central government and BJP leaders are selling fake history to the country. There is a continuous exodus of Kashmiri Pandits. 30 Kashmiri Pandits have been killed in the last 10 months. Shopian, where the families of Kashmiri Pandits stayed for 32 years, also had to leave. If the government calls it normalcy, then they should open their eyes.

What are 5 big mistakes of Nehru mentioned by Rijiju and why did he choose today for this? Before knowing this, please give your opinion by joining the poll given below…

Today 27 October 1947, understand the meaning of this day…
Actually, today is 27 October 1947. That is, that day in history, when the Pakistani army and Lashkar invaders made an nefarious attempt to capture Jammu and Kashmir by attacking it. On 22 October 1947, Pakistan had sent 5000 tribals to infiltrate and capture Kashmir, then the ruler of Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, sought help from the Indian government.

Photograph of Pakistan-backed tribals who attacked Kashmir in 1947.

After this Hari Singh signed the agreement on the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India. Then an infantry contingent from the 1st Battalion of the Sikh Regiment of the Army was airlifted to Srinagar. On 27 October 1947, Indian foot soldiers liberated Kashmir from the clutches of the tribals.

This was the first military operation of the Indian Army against foreign invaders in the history of independent India, which was carried out by the Infantry. In memory of the spectacular success in this campaign, every year on 27 October, ‘Infantry Day’ i.e. Infantry Day is also celebrated in the country.

know now Those 5 mistakes of Nehru which Kiren Rijiju mentioned…


1. Maharaja Hari Singh wanted merger with India in July 1947 itself, Nehru refused
Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said- It is a historical lie that Maharaja Hari Singh had postponed the question of Kashmir’s accession to India. This lie has been going on for a long time to hide Nehru’s dubious role in the Kashmir issue.

  • After an agreement with Sheikh Abdullah, on July 24, 1952, Nehru said in the Lok Sabha that a month before independence, Maharaja Hari Singh had approached Kashmir to join India, but Nehru rejected this proposal of Maharaja Hari Singh. was rejected.
  • In his 1952 speech he further said- Even though the Maharaja and his government wanted to join India, we want something else, that is, popular approval. That is, the consent of the then anti-India section also.
  • Whereas according to the Indian Independence Act there was no need to take popular approval of the people of the princely states. All that mattered was the ruler’s desire to join the Indian Union. Other princely states also did the same.
  • Nehru’s mistake did not stop only after July 1947. Despite the bloodshed and violence that followed Partition, Nehru remained adamant on fulfilling his personal agenda before the annexation of Kashmir.

2. Nehru approved the merger, but with conditions
Referring to the second installment of Nehru’s mistakes, Rijiju said- Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession like all other princely states. Except Kashmir, all other princely states were clearly integrated into India. On 26 October, Nehru wrote another letter to the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, MC Mahajan, in which he said that the Government of India will accept this announcement provisionally. That is, Nehru accepted the merger, but with conditions.

  • The void that Nehru had created in Kashmir allowed Pakistan to interfere in Kashmir, and finally, under the guise of tribals, his army invaded Kashmir on October 20, 1947. Even then Nehru was adamant. The Pakistani army was advancing rapidly in Kashmir. Maharaja Hari Singh then requested Nehru to join India. But Nehru was still negotiating to fulfill his personal agenda.
  • On October 21, 1947, a day after the Pakistani invasion began, Nehru advised the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, MC Mahajan, through a letter that it would probably not be appropriate to announce any merger with the Indian Union at this stage. .
  • I suggest you direct the formation of an immediate government. Sheikh Abdullah who is the most popular person in Kashmir. They can be asked to form such a government. Subject to the declared policy that such matters should be finalized as per the will of the people.
  • On October 27, 1947, Nehru was given another opportunity to permanently close the question of the accession of Kashmir. But Nehru’s blunders paved the way for seven decades of suspicion, separatist mindset and bloodshed.

3. Took a case to UNO under Article 35, 51 was not used
Referring to the third Nehruvian mistake on Kashmir, Rijiju said that the country is still bearing the brunt of this mistake. Actually, Nehru went to the United Nations on 1 January 1948 under Article 35. Article 35 was for the disputed land, while Nehru had to speak in the United Nations under Article 51 regarding illegal occupation by Pakistan.

Maharaja Hari Singh signed only one document of merger – that with India. Yet, it was Nehru who accepted Kashmir as a dispute between India and Pakistan and gave Pakistan a place to intervene in Kashmir. Since then, UN resolutions have continued to haunt India.

4. After the intervention of the UN, the demand for a plebiscite started openly in Kashmir
Nehru’s fourth big mistake on Kashmir was to allow the myth that India’s obligatory UN plebiscite in Kashmir was being blocked by India. The United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolution on August 13, 1948 had three conditions. First – ceasefire. Second- Withdrawal of troops by Pakistan. Third – referendum.

Pakistan continued to maintain a ceasefire, but it refused to withdraw the troops. After this, the United Nations has always been putting its foot in the Kashmir issue by pleading for peace.

5. Article 370 was imposed, it gave rise to the spirit of separatism
Nehru’s fifth big mistake on Kashmir was to make and implement Article 370. The special thing is that Article 306A was kept in its place in the interim constitution. In fact, a special article like 370 and the condition of merger under it was not placed in the case of any other state. The talk of giving special status to Kashmir had never entered anyone’s mind except Nehru. We also have an example of its opposition.

Maulana Hasrat Mohani, who was the representative of the United Provinces, had also asked Nehru a question on this in the Constituent Assembly. On October 17, 1949, Mohani, specifically referring to Kashmir, asked Nehru – why are you discriminating about this state and the king. The special thing is that neither Nehru nor N Gopalaswami Iyengar replied about why the discriminatory provision like Article 370 is being kept in the Constitution.

This article itself later became the weapon of the separatists and is giving trouble to the country even today. The country had to bear the brunt of Nehru’s mistakes for 70 years. The truth is that Nehru put family, friends and personal agenda above the interests of India, giving them more importance. The world also tried to keep India under pressure. Taking advantage of this, Pakistan handed over the occupied land of Kashmir to China. Then terrorism started in the 1980s.

Kashmiri Hindus had to be evicted from their native land. Thousands of citizens of the country lost their lives due to terrorism. Hundreds of our soldiers got martyrdom while protecting Mother India.

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