Richfield School student shot dead, a year later the convict was sentenced to 24 years

America Crime: The culprit has been sentenced in the firing case in California, USA. Last year, a student was shot dead outside Richfield School here. A Hennepin County judge on Wednesday sentenced Fernando Valdez-Alvarez, a 19-year-old accused in the case, to 24 years in prison.

Fernando Valdez-Alvarez, a resident of Minneapolis, opened fire on two students on February 1, 2022. In this, a 17-year-old student was injured in the first firing, while Jahmari Rice, a 15-year-old student, was killed in the second firing. Fernando has been convicted for this case.

The accused will spend 16 years in jail!

According to the judge, Fernando Valdez-Alvarez of Minneapolis will have to serve 16 years of his 24-year prison sentence with law and orderly behavior. Only after this the accused can be eligible for supervised release. Even if the accused is convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, the punishment for both the offenses may be the same in jail.

The father of the deceased student said this

Cortez Rice, the father of the deceased student Jahmari, said that the defendant had pleaded culpable homicide not amounting to murder, which gives an excuse to protect the accused. Cortez believes that accused Valdez-Alvarez should be sentenced to life in prison and he deserves it. Cortez said that he shot my two children in the chest despite simply saying that he did not intend to kill my son. Didn’t he know what he was about to do?

Officials told the reason for the attack

Police officials said Valdez-Alvarez and his friend Alfredo Rosario Solis were involved in a fight with three other fellow students outside the school. Although the reason for which the fight took place, its information has not been revealed.

And according to a police complaint, a 17-year-old boy punched Rosario Solis before Valdez-Alvarez fired. These students knew each other and the bullet was not fired suddenly. Richfield’s police chief said last year’s shooting was described as a brawl that spilled outside the school and ended in shootings.

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