Retired patwari of Sangrur arrested: 13 thousand were taken in lieu of paying death; Vigilance caught

Chandigarh8 hours ago

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The Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Tuesday arrested a retired patwari as part of a campaign against corruption. The accused has been identified as Harbans Singh, who was earlier posted at Revenue Lehragga, District Sangrur. Harbans Singh has been arrested in the case registered under the charge of taking 13 thousand rupees.

The complainant of the case, Rajendra Singh, a resident of Lehragga, had given a complaint to the Vigilance. In this, he had told that Patwari Harbans Singh had taken a bribe of Rs 13 thousand from him in lieu of registering the time of his plot. Vigilance arrested the accused Harbans Singh after registering a case under bribery against the accused Harbans Singh after the allegations were found to be true.

A case has been registered against the accused under the Prevention of Corruption Act at the Police Station, Economic Offenses Wing. At present, Vigilance is busy in the further action of the matter.

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