Rescue of 39 people including 21 minor children: Hostages were made in the name of training, were connected with network company by giving 8500

Chandauli2 minutes ago

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In the Mughalsarai Kotwali area of ​​Chandauli district, the case of children being forced into bonded labor has come to the fore. 21 minor children were recovered in the raid of the CWC and the police. While a total of 39 people have been rescued in this case. At present, the police is engaged in interrogation by taking some of the accused into custody.

It is being told that in the name of training in the network company, children were called and kept as bonded laborers. From whom a huge amount was also collected in the name of training. Most of the children recovered are from Bihar and Jharkhand. Those who were kept in an inhuman manner in rented rooms.
Children sitting in a room.

Children sitting in a room.

8500 rupees were taken in the name of training

The incident came to light when one of the teenagers somehow escaped and reached the NGO worker. On whose behest the police put a raid and freed a total of 39 children. At the same time, many people involved in this gang have been taken into custody by the police. In fact, this matter came to light during the CWC counseling of a minor girl who had escaped from the clutches. The victim girl told that she was called in the name of Glaway company saying that she would be given a job of 15 thousand and had to work in the office.

When the girl reached Mughalsarai, 8500 rupees were taken from her and in the name of continuous training, things started being told nonsense. After which this girl asked to leave from here, then the people present there started threatening her. In the last 28 days, this girl had tried to escape from there several times. After which the operators took him to another place and kept him. Where there were already many children, the girl told that somehow she escaped from there and reached Mughalsarai station and there she told the whole incident to the people of RPF.

Child line team got rescue done.

Child line team got rescue done.

Liberation was given by trapping three children

While talking to the children kept in the room by the accused operator Santoshar Singh, many things surprised the people. The children accepted that the operator used to pressurize each child that they would get freedom from their clutches only after bringing three new children. However, there was also a pretense of giving training on selling certain products for a few days to deceive the children. The girl who escaped from the clutches told that she tried to run away several times, but people had sent her to another place. In such a situation, seeing the opportunity, he ran away and contacted the people of Child Line.

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