Religious freedom and related human rights in India at risk – US Commission

USCIRF Report on Religious Freedom: The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has alleged that religious freedom and related human rights in India are under constant threat. The panel reiterated its recommendation earlier this year that the US should list India as a “country of particular concern” for engaging in or tolerating religious freedom violations.

The panel said in its report that in 2022, governments at the national, state and local levels promoted policies that target religious conversions, inter-religious relations and cow slaughter. Those who negatively affected Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits and Adivasis. The national government continued to suppress the voices of critics during this period. It continued to stifle critical voices, especially those of religious minorities and those advocating on their behalf, citing the use of the UAPA and the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act.

This allegation was made on the BJP-led governments

The commission said in its report that the BJP-led government and leaders have advocated communal policies at the national, state and local levels. It sought to establish India as an open Hindu state, which is contrary to India’s secular foundation and a serious threat to India’s religious minorities. The report said that government officials and non-governmental elements continued to use social media and other platforms to spread hatred and propaganda against minorities.

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What did the report say about Hijab and CAA?

The commission also referred to the ban on the wearing of hijab in educational institutions by the Karnataka government and protests on the matter. It says that the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the ban is likely to further deepen religious tensions. In addition, the report states that the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam has increased tensions between ethnic Assamese Hindus and Muslims of Bengali origin.

India had strongly criticized

In July, India rejected the commission’s findings in April, calling them biased and inaccurate. The Ministry of External Affairs had said that these comments reflect a colossal lack of understanding of India and its constitutional framework, its plurality and its democratic set-up. Regrettably, USCIRF continues to repeatedly misrepresent facts in its statements and reports as part of its motivated agenda.

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