Rape victim broke her breath: 5 youths were accused of rape, the family is lying, the SP said

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  • 5 Youths Were Accused Of Rape, SP Said The Family Is Lying. Kanpur Crime News, Kanpur Crime, Kanpur News, Kanpur Rape News, Bidhnu, Kanpur

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The victim got very upset after the police did not listen and on Saturday, she drank the dye.

A 16-year-old girl committed suicide by drinking dye after being raped. In Kanpur, a 16-year-old girl resident of Bidhnu village was called by her friend and raped by her companions. The scared victim remained silent for a day. When he narrated the whole incident, the family members complained at New Azad Nagar Chowki. This police did not take any action.

Was upset due to non-action of police
The victim got very upset after the police did not listen and on Saturday, she drank the dye. He died late Monday evening. On Tuesday, the police conducted the post-mortem. The family has accused 5 youths of gang rape.

SP said the family is lying
SP Outer Tej Swaroop Singh says that the victim’s family did not complain to the police. He is lying. If Tahrir is received, then FIR will be registered. Now it is a matter of investigation that what is the truth. Family members say that they had complained to the police on the 7th itself.

The whole incident is of 5 September
The woman resident of the village told that her daughter had gone missing on the night of 5 September. She reached home the next day. He didn’t tell anything even after several inquiries. On September 7, he told that his acquaintance Nishu had lured him away, where four more friends of his came. They all raped together.

The family members had complained
The victim had drank the dye on Saturday. Since then he was undergoing treatment. On Monday, the victim died during treatment. After the post-mortem of the body was conducted on Tuesday, it was handed over to the relatives. The last rites were performed at Bhairav ​​Ghat.

The relatives told that when the daughter had told the misdeeds of the accused, Nishu along with dozens of her companions had threatened to come to their house. At the same time, the relatives claimed that they had complained at the New Azad Nagar police post.

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