Putin will seal today on the inclusion of 4 regions of southern Ukraine in Russia, program will be held today

Russia Update: Daniyask, Lugansk, Zaporizhia and Kherasan, which were separated from Ukraine after Russian military action, will be formally signed into Russia today. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared Kherasan and Zaporizhia as independent states.

The program will be held at 5:30 pm Indian time in St. George’s Hall of the Kremlin in Moscow. In this program Daniyask will present the results of the referendum held in Lugansk from September 23-27 to Putin, the head of these regions. With a large majority in these areas reportedly saying ‘yes’ to joining Russia and ‘no’ to staying in Ukraine.

Putin will give message after the program

President Putin has also signed an interim order late on September 29 for the Kherasan and Zaporizhia regions of Ukraine to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. All areas are in the southern region of Ukraine. Putin will also give a message to the country and the world after the program to be held in the Kremlin on Friday (September 30).

Documents to be presented in Constitutional Court

After Putin’s signing of the agreements to join the Russian Federation, they will be presented in the Constitutional Court. In order to ensure that the documents are in accordance with Russian law. After getting approval from the court, they will be sent to the lower house State Duma and then the upper house Federal Council for approval. These areas will formally become part of Russia only after the approval of both houses of parliament.

Continuous attacks on Russian army bases

However, this move of Russia will complicate instead of solving the Russia-Ukraine War which has been going on for the last 7 months. Western countries, including America, have already spoken about imposing more restrictions on this move of Russia. At the same time, the Ukrainian army is constantly attacking Russian military bases in these areas.

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