Putin turns 70, keeps himself fit like this, many body doubles are deployed for security

Vladimir Putin Fitness & Hobbies: Today (October 7) is the birthday of Russian President Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin Birthday). He has turned 70 years old. From failure to becoming the President of Russia, these 70 years of Putin’s life have been filled with all kinds of colours. Some people also call it filmy. According to reports, even at this age, Putin swims for two hours daily and sweats for an hour in the gym to keep himself fit.

For fitness, Putin also does Horse Riding once or twice a week. Putin once said that riding horse keeps both the heart and mind fit. His close friends call him Fitness Freak. Vladimir Putin is a black belt in Judo. The game rests on three strengths – high-handedness, aggression and cleverness. These qualities are also visible in Putin’s policies.

Claims of Putin’s strange hobbies

There was news of a strange hobby of Putin about maintaining fitness. A Russian local TV channel, Capitalist TV, claimed that Russian President Putin bathes in the blood of Siberian reindeer to keep himself fit. The channel had claimed that in 2016 about 70 kg of horns were cut from reindeer heads to fulfill Putin’s hobby. The cost of this ten grams of blood is said to be in hundreds of dollars. This blood is also known by the name ‘Viagra blood’.

When the fish were caught by taking off the shirt in the cold

It is said that Putin is fond of adventure holidays. It is also said that Putin does adventure activities to show his health to the world. In 2017, Putin caught fish by taking off his shirt in the cold winter of Siberia.

Body double designed for safety

It is claimed in media reports that keeping in mind the security of the Russian President, many body doubles i.e. people who look exactly like him have been prepared. According to the claim, on many occasions these body doubles are seen among the public, which no one can recognize. In July this year, the Ukrainian intelligence chief said about the visit of the Russian President to Iran that he was not Putin, but his lookalike.

This is also for security

In view of security, Putin’s food is prepared in a very secret way. The Russian President’s personal taster examines every dish and tastes the food before eating it. It is said that Putin prefers to walk between convoys of motorcycles and cars than helicopters. On the side where his convoy passes, the traffic is completely stopped and curfew is imposed in the sky at that time.

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