Putin suffered heavy losses in the war with Ukraine, more than 160 colonels and generals of the Russian army were killed.

Russia-Ukraine War: It has been more than 9 months since the Russia-Ukraine war, but still no one is ready to back down. When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the attack, he would not have thought that the Ukrainian army would be able to face the Russian army for so long. The longer the war drags on, the more gruesome it becomes. Russia has suffered a lot in this war.

According to a report, Putin has lost more than 1500 high army officers in this war, out of which more than 160 are generals and colonels. Earlier, a high official of the US Army had claimed that more than one lakh soldiers of the Russian Army were killed in this war.

Russia has not yet released the figure

At the same time, no information has been given by the Kremlin on how much damage has been done to Russia due to the war with Ukraine. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu recently said that 5,397 soldiers were killed. However, this number is much less than the figures given by the western countries. In the reports of western countries, this number has reached above one lakh.

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drove the Russian army from Kherson

Russia has given up its occupation from the city of Kherson in Ukraine. This was the biggest setback in this war, which Putin suffered. Russian President Vladimir Putin had also included Kherson in Russia. Despite this, the Ukrainian army regained Kherson. A Ukrainian citizen told that at least 10 Russian soldiers were being killed every night in Kherson.

Mother of Russian soldiers raised questions

Putin is now getting surrounded in his own country. Now the mothers and wives of Russian soldiers have also started raising questions. These people demand that the time has come to fulfill the promises made by President Putin and he should fulfill them. Whereas Putin has said that we should achieve our goals and in the end we will achieve them.

Russian soldiers accused of theft

Russian soldiers accused of stealing paintings while fleeing Kherson The priceless treasures were taken away in trucks. The Sun has written that this incident of robbery carried out by Russian soldiers is one of the biggest robberies in history.

read this also-Putin grabbed the chair tightly and started patting his feet, again raised questions about his health

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