Putin forgot the basic rules of war, Hitler sitting in his mind, Russian army crossing the limits of cruelty

Russia Ukraine War: The Russian president is often seen justifying the invasion of Ukraine by resorting to World War II. However, military historians and scholars say Putin is still making some of the same mistakes that ruined Germany’s 1941 invasion of the USSR. Military historians and scholars point out that Putin is using “Hitler-like tricks and tactics” to justify his brutality.

According to a CNN report in April, Peter T. DeSimone, an associate professor of Russian and Eastern European history at the University of Utica in New York, says, “I’ve been trying to figure this out for a month, because Putin is as terrible as “You can never say that was illogical. It’s not normal for what Putin has done in the past,” he said.

The Nazi war machine was agile and well trained. In June 1941, the Wehrmacht killed 150,000 Red Army soldiers in the first week of their offensive and wounded many others. They seized vast areas of the region and captured 700,000 prisoners of war.

Putin forgot the basic rule of war

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When the British introduced the first lumbering tank during World War I, the soldiers fled in terror. However, in Ukraine the picture is the opposite. According to a recent headline, “Ukraine has become the graveyard for Russian tanks”. Ukrainian soldiers are using everything from drones to javelins to destroy tank convoys. Russian tanks are also facing major problems due to lack of fuel.

Putin has struggled to provide food, fuel and weapons to his army. Those pictures of Russian soldiers have also come to the fore, in which they are seen robbing banks and supermarkets. Due to this, seven generals of Russia also died. Similarly, poor military planning played an important role in the defeat of Nazi Germany on the Eastern Front, where Hitler expected a quick victory.

Bombing of hospitals, shopping malls and buildings

The Russian military has been accused of bombing hospitals, shopping malls, apartment buildings and a theatre. Russia has also been accused of trying to starve a Ukrainian city by blocking humanitarian relief.

Hitler on Putin’s mind?

Putin has potential allies in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are two Slavic nations that share religious and cultural ties. Many Ukrainians have relatives in Russia and speak the language of Ukraine, and the eastern part of the country has historically had greater allegiance to Russia. However, Putin’s indiscriminate brutality against civilians is uniting Ukrainians.

Hitler’s indiscriminate brutality against Soviet civilians also played an important role in his defeat. Hitler had many potential allies in the Soviet Union. Many Soviets despised Stalin, who regularly murdered political opponents, killed military leaders and persecuted Soviet civilians. They starved and killed nearly four million Ukrainian civilians during an infamous period known as the Holodomor.

Gold teeth revealed the brutality of the Russian army

Reports claimed that Russian soldiers allegedly set up a “mini-Auschwitz” where victims lost their teeth, while others were buried alive. Dozens of gold teeth, caps and a bucket of dentures were found in an underground bunker allegedly used by the Russian military in Ukraine.

“Investigators found a torture room in the village of Pisky-Radkivsky, Kharkiv region,” wrote Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. He told that a box with torn teeth was also found. This is an example of the atrocities committed by “cowardly” Russian soldiers on soldiers and civilians in the occupied territories of the country during the bloody war.

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