Pushya Nakshatra 2022: Today is the best time to buy before Diwali, traders expect good business

Shajapur (Ujjain)31 minutes ago

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Today is Pushya Nakshatra. Before Diwali, good business is expected in the textile business including jewellery, automobile, electronics in the market. According to astrology, the deity of Pushya Nakshatra is Devguru Brihaspati, the factor of auspicious work. Without them no good work is possible.

Therefore, it is believed that auspicious works and purchases done in this Nakshatra remain stable for a long time. Jyotishacharya Pt Jitendra Trivedi told that Pushya Nakshatra will remain in Pushya Nakshatra from today till 7.02 am on the second day. It will be auspicious to bring new things in the house.

Auspicious yoga named Vardhman will remain on this day due to Pushya Nakshatra being on Tuesday. Along with this two other auspicious yogas named Siddha and Sadhya are also being formed. He told that the deity of Pushya Nakshatra is Jupiter and the lord is Shani.

The arrival of Pushya Nakshatra before Diwali is considered very auspicious. The work done in it is mascot. Traders have made preparations for Pushya Nakshatra to Dhanteras and Diwali and they are expecting good business this time.

traders prepared

Preparations have also been completed in the city markets regarding Pushya Nakshatra and they are ready for business in this Pushya Nakshatra coming before Diwali. The hope of better business since the Corona period and the traders who are waiting for this Pushya Nakshatra also have high hopes. If traders are to be believed, more than one crore business is expected on this day.

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