Preparations for municipal elections: Work of ward captive incomplete, flaws found in checking, orders to give final report in 7 days

Amritsar13 minutes ago

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The employees and officers of the drawing department while preparing the map of the city for the ward captive.

In Punjab’s Amritsar district, the ongoing Ward Bandhi work in the city has not been completed even after a delay of two months in view of the Municipal Corporation elections. As per the schedule, this work was to be completed by July 24. When Joint Commissioner Hardeep Singh physically examined the report submitted by the officers, many shortcomings were found in it.

It is worth noting that there are orders from the Local Bodies Department Punjab to close the wards of the city. In the month of June, the first corporation officers went to Chandigarh and brought training of ward prisoners. After this, the drawing branch of the corporation prepared the block map of the ward captive of the city. In this 7001 blocks were constituted. By appointing 10 block officers by the then Municipal Corporation Joint Commissioner Hardeep Singh, 304 employees were dropped in the field for ward captive survey. The survey was started by all the officers and employees from June 15. The Local Bodies Department had given instructions to the Municipal Corporation to complete this survey by July 24.

flaws in the survey

When Joint Commissioner Hardeep Singh investigated 7001 block constituted for ward closure, many deficiencies were found in it. In which mainly many houses have been left. The closed houses need to be re-examined and the map also needs to be updated.

Order to give final report in 7 days

Corporation Joint Commissioner Hardeep Singh has also issued guidelines to the survey teams to conduct the survey. Along with this, stickers will be made available to put on homes. The JE Civil and O&M departments have been asked to update the maps. Joint Commissioner Hardeep Singh has asked Ward Bandi to complete it within the coming 7 days and he will also do physical checking of it.

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