Prayagraj’s millionaire sweeper dies of TB: neither married nor had any hobby; 70 lakh rupees remained in the account

Prayagraj6 minutes ago

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Even after having more than 70 lakh rupees in the account, Dheeraj never used to withdraw money from the account.

Prayagraj’s crorepati sweeper died late on Saturday night. He was suffering from Tuberculosis (TB). After his death, now only 80-year-old mother is left in the house. He is in bad shape. This is the same crorepati sweeper who has more than 70 lakh rupees in his account. Dheeraj never took money out of this account.

Dheeraj used to work as a sweeper cum watchman in the district leprosy department of Prayagraj. He is a millionaire. This was revealed when the bankers reached the leprosy department in search of Dheeraj. After this, the hospital and departmental people started calling him ‘crorepati sweeper’. Dheeraj had earned this wealth from his father’s and his own hard work.
Dheeraj was working as a sweeper in the district leprosy department.  The people of the department told that he used to do his duty honestly.  Never got any complaints from him.

Dheeraj was working as a sweeper in the district leprosy department. The people of the department told that he used to do his duty honestly. Never got any complaints from him.

After the death of the father, the deceased dependent got a job
Dheeraj’s father Suresh Chandra was working as a sweeper in the district leprosy department. He died while in the job. After this, Dheeraj got a job on the deceased dependent on the post of sweeper in the same department. He has been posted here since December 2012.

Dheeraj’s father also never used to withdraw his salary from the account. Same was the case with Dheeraj. Like his father, he used to ask for money from people, departmental officers and employees walking on the road. He used to run his work with the money found in it. Apart from this, the mother also gets a pension. Not only this, he also used to pay income tax to the government.

Bank officers kept requesting to withdraw money
The bank officers met Dhiraj several times and kept requesting to withdraw money from the account but he did not agree. Never withdraw money from your account. Whenever the bank officials asked him to transact with the account, he flatly refused. Would have said that we do not need any money now. If anyone tried to take his photo, he would get furious.

Dheeraj was working in this office.

Dheeraj was working in this office.

neither married nor had any hobby
Dheeraj lived with his mother and a sister in the TB Sapru hospital campus. When he talked about marriage, he used to run away from there. He was afraid that someone might take away his money. Nikhil Khatri, staff of the leprosy department, says that Dheeraj was somewhat weak in mind, but he used to do his duty diligently. The special thing is that he never even took leave. Rajmani Yadav of the staff says that Dheeraj was working with us as a sweeper since 2012. He neither married nor had any hobby.

Bankers also understood that beggars
Rajmani Yadav told in a conversation with Dainik Bhaskar that Dheeraj had gone to the bank a few years ago. He told his account number, so first the bank employee should understand that where did this beggar come from? But, upon checking the account, the bank employee kept looking at Dheeraj from top to bottom. Seeing more than 70 lakh balance, even the bankers were compelled to think.

What will happen to those money now?
Now that Dheeraj is dead, his colleagues are asking what will happen to so much money. Having so much money in the account can also put the mother and her sister in danger. Now colleagues are also worried about their safety.

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