Post-Diwali haircare tips: Here’s how to rejuvenate and nourish your hair deeply and restore its health

With everyone slowly getting back from the Diwali highs and planning on losing the pounds they gained from the festive eating, there is one aspect of post-Diwali care that many forget and that is their hair. Even after Diwali, there are residue pollutants in the air which will continue affecting your hair and exposure to these pollutants like particulate matter (PM), nickel, lead and arsenic can lead to a condition called ‘Sensitive Scalp Syndrome’.

This leads to common symptoms of burning, stinging, dry scalp, vague discomfort in the scalp and/or paresthesia of the scalp. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ashutosh Dubey from Traya, suggested some tips for nurturing your hair back after the festival:

1. Cover your hair with either a cap or a head scarf while stepping out. Also indulge yourself in a steam bath to get rid of the particulate matter from the body and also the hair but remember do NOT step out of the house with wet hair.

2. Nourish your hair with antioxidant and collagen supplements for proper hair care and growth. It will help reverse the damage caused by the pollutants left behind by firecrackers

3. Drink an adequate amount of water and consume foods that contain a lot of water. This will reflect in smoother hair and can help one better their hair health.”

Dr Amit Bangia, Associate Director Dermatology at Asian Hospital, advised, “Post Diwali, care must be taken to wash and condition your hair to get rid of all the pollution and dirt. You can also use homemade hair masks for this. Pollution and dry air can damage your hair so try to hydrate your hair by eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, you can also use virgin coconut or Almond to hydrate the hairs which have become dry and fizzy. Avoid using styling products like jells, hair wax, do not use hair strainers as they can dry and further damage your hair.”

Bringing his expertise to the same, Rajat Mathur, Head of Education and Customer Experience at Kiehl’s India, recommended, “Once the festivities are over is when you take a break from the constant use of chemicals and heating devices and take mindful measures to rejuvenate and nourish your hair deeply and restore its health. Include a pre-shampoo, good shampoo and conditioner as well as masks/supplements in your routine to moisturise your mane. The most important thing at this time is to choose products with the right ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides, that replenish into deeper layers of hair, gradually bringing it back to its ultimate health.”

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