Pollution can become the cause of medical emergency, only comprehensive health insurance will be useful

Every year after the festive season, there is a sharp rise in the Air Quality Index (AQI) levels. Especially if we talk about NCR, then the index reaches between 400-500. Due to the increasing level of pollution, people of all ages are facing a lot of problems. It is almost impossible to avoid these side effects of increasing pollution. That’s why children and the elderly, especially, need to take precautions like staying indoors, wearing masks and using air purifiers.
Amit Chhabra, Head – Health Insurance, Policybazaar.com, says that due to the severe level of pollution Due to this, people are facing many problems like irritation in eyes, shortness of breath, itching in the throat. Respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly due to breathing in polluted air. It is common to face any such medical emergency, so while buying an insurance policy, it is necessary to buy a policy that adequately covers you in case of any medical emergency. Come, let us know how you can make your health insurance comprehensive. 

high insurance value‍u

Breathing in polluted air can cause respiratory diseases like lung disease, chronic diseases like bronchial asthma. In more severe cases, prolonged exposure to toxic air can also increase the risk of lung cancer. The cost of treatment of such serious diseases can be anywhere from 30 to 40 lakh rupees. This can lead to a huge financial burden in case of uninsured or insufficient insured value. Hence, it is advisable to opt for an adequate sum assured to avoid costly hospitalization and treatment expenses. For example, a policy offering Rs 1 crore coverage comes at an affordable monthly premium of Rs 1100- 1200, but provides complete protection in case of emergency.

OPD coverage

OPD or Out Patient Department accounts for about 70% of all healthcare expenses. Most of the time, polluted air can trigger diseases that require only OPD care. Although these will not require hospitalization, they can still put a strain on one’s budget due to the need for regular doctor’s advice, drug costs, or day-care treatments. Hence choosing a plan that covers OPD will save you the hassle of such expenses.

Add-on cover

Chhabra says that apart from the basic coverage, a health policy also includes riders like critical illness, daily cash in hospital, consumables cover, personal accident cover etc. At a small additional premium, these riders or add-ons ensure that proper treatment is provided in case of any emergency. Since pollution takes a toll on one’s health, these riders can effectively protect you from any major medical expenses. 

covers the whole family

Day by day increasing pollution is very harmful for health. That’s why any health insurance policy should be bought keeping in mind the needs of the family as well. For example, a family consisting of husband, wife and two children should opt for a floater plan. However, extended families, elderly parents with working children should opt for a separate health insurance policy and senior citizen policy.

restoration benefit

Health insurance policies now come with restoration benefit. For example, if your policy is of Rs 10 lakhs and the entire money has been spent, then it will cover the expenses of Rs 10 lakhs again. If the policyholder opts for this benefit and utilizes the entire sum assured during the policy term, the sum assured will automatically be restored and will be financially protected against rising medical expenses.

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