Police arrested his own son for ‘accidentally’ robbing his own son at knife point outside ATM

Man ‘mistakenly’ attempts to rob own son: A strange incident has come to light from Scotland’s most populous city, Glasgow. Here a father mistakenly tried to rob his own 17 year old son at knife point. The young man was surprised at such an act of his father and ran away. The boy told his family about the incident before informing the police about it. The police arrested the robber’s father, where the accused confessed his crime.

Attempted to rob his own son by mistake

Police told that this incident is of November 2022. The accused used to loot every day. That day also he went to the ATM with the same intention. In Cranhill, Glasgow, he saw a boy withdrawing 10 pounds (Rs 986) from an ATM. He did not know that he was his son.

As soon as the boy put his card in his pocket and took out the cash from the machine, he saw a man hiding nearby. As soon as he turned to the left, the robber caught hold of the boy’s neck and pinned him to the wall. After this the boy realized that the robber had pressed a big knife on his face.

The court sentenced the robber to 26 months in prison

The boy told that from the voice of the robber he recognized that he was his father. He was shocked by his father’s action. The boy asked his father what he was doing. To this the attacker’s father replied, I am sorry, I am desperate. The court sentenced the robber to 26 months in jail.

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