Pilots strike in Germany, 800 Lufthansa Airlines flights cancelled; 700 passengers injured

Lufthansa Pilots Begin Strike: The pilots of German airline company Lufthansa began their one-day strike from midnight on Friday. Because of this strike, Lufthansa has had to cancel 800 of its flights. About 130,000 passengers have been affected by this. The flights that have been canceled include two flights from Delhi to Frankfurt and Munich. 700 passengers were stuck at Terminal 3 of Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport due to the cancellation of the flight. These passengers and their relatives created ruckus at the airport

Which flights are affected by the strike?

All Lufthansa flights leaving Germany on Friday went on strike, with schedules particularly affected in major centers in Frankfurt and Munich. In fact, the summer holidays are coming to an end in many German states tomorrow, which means many families will face inconvenience. While Swiss, Austrian, Brussels and Eurowings, all Lufthansa subsidiaries are not expected to be affected by the strike. The company said that their schedule will continue without any change. If aircraft and crew are already abroad, flights departing from outside Germany are expected to operate as scheduled.

The company had reached the court against the strike

Earlier on Friday, Lufthansa went to the Munich labor court with its appeal for a temporary injunction against the strike, which was rejected by the court. The company had argued that the pilots’ demand for an increase in wages through automatic adjustment based on inflation was the motive of an illegal strike. “Lufthansa should have expressed its legal concerns during the earlier talks so that the matter can be discussed,” the court said.

What are the pilots demanding?

The pilots’ union Verinigung Cockpit (VC) called for a strike on Thursday night after collective bargaining talks with the company failed. The VC says it is seeking automatic inflation adjustment for 2023 as well as a 5.5% pay increase for its 5,000-plus pilots.

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