‘Pile of dead bodies in parking lots, people being forced to sign on forms’, China’s open poll

China Coronavirus: There is an outcry in China due to Corona. The number of cases being registered daily is claimed to be in crores. So at the same time, China is devising new ways to hide the figure of infected and the number of deaths. Meanwhile, some videos from China have come to the fore which seem to justify these claims.

Human rights activist Jennifer Zeng has shared the video of China going viral on social media. Sharing this video, Jennifer wrote, “24th December of Shanghai city hospital…” In the videos, dead bodies are seen piled up on the hospital floor. Along with this, another video has been shared by Jennifer which is from the city of Anson. In this, the funeral home is seen completely filled with a pile of dead bodies.

Dead bodies being kept in the parking area

The death toll from Corona is such that dead bodies are being kept in the parking area of ​​the funeral home. The situation has worsened to such an extent that there is a line of several kilometers for the last rites of the dead bodies. Recruitment is going on in the cremation grounds of Shanghai city. According to media reports, people are being told that those who can lift the dead bodies can apply.

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getting people to sign forms

China is now using a new trick to hide the figures from coming in front of the world. According to the claims of media reports, those who are coming to take the dead bodies from the hospital are being made to sign on a form. It is written in clear words that the death has not happened due to corona. According to a notice given to Beijing’s Funeral Home, it has also been said that no employee will talk to the media institution. Along with this, sharing of any kind of data has also been banned.

At the same time, now shocking news has come about China. China has announced exemption from quarantine for travelers coming from abroad from January 8. Along with this, there is talk of opening the international border as well.

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