Penalty up to one thousand for leaving animals unattended in MP: Punishment will also be imposed for tying animals in public places, order issued

Bhopal3 hours ago

Animals roaming around the streets of MP are causing trouble these days. Vehicles are getting crashed every day due to stray cows and animals on the roads. The MP government has taken a big decision regarding this. Now a fine of up to one thousand rupees will be charged for intentionally leaving the animal on the roads in the open. Gazette notification has been issued by the Urban Administration Department by amending the MP Municipal Act 1956.

Leaving, tying animals open on the roads will be punished

Whoever knowingly releases or ties any animal or other animal in a street or public place causing damage to any person or property. Or there is a problem in public transport, transportation. Then he will be punished. However, the amount of penalty shall not exceed one thousand rupees.

13 cows died, Computer Baba sitting on the road on a dharna

Two months ago, 13 cows were trampled on the Jaipur-Jalupar highway (NH-12) in Raisen district. People found the dead bodies of Gaiyan on the highway in the early morning. Seeing the carcasses of cows, the computer Baba passing by sat on a dharna on the highway itself. Baba and his supporters demonstrated on the highway for about two hours. Due to this the traffic on the highway came to a standstill. On receiving the information, Collector Arvind Dubey along with police officers reached the spot. After about an hour’s discussion, Baba agreed, then traffic could be restored from the highway. On Wednesday night, near Semri Khurd village in Sultanpur area on NH-12, speeding dumpers trampled the cows sitting on the road. In this 13 cows died on the spot. Computer Baba was going from Jabalpur to Bhopal. When he saw the condition of the cows, he got angry and sat on a dharna on the middle road. On receiving the information, the workers of Shri Hindu Utsav Samiti, Sultanpur, VHP, Bajrang Dal expressed their anger over the deaths of cows. They also sat on a dharna with Baba. Read full news here….

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