Pee in flight case – 30 lakh fine on Air India: Pilot suspended for 3 months, lawyer of the accused said – 4 months ban wrong

New Delhi2 hours ago

The accused Shankar Mishra was found guilty by the airline and has also been banned for 4 months. – file photo

DGCA has imposed a fine of 30 lakhs on the airlines for the urination incident in Air India flight. According to news agency ANI, the DGCA has suspended the pilot’s license for 3 months. Meanwhile, the counsel for accused Shankar Mishra said that the four-month ban imposed on his client is wrong.

In fact, a committee was formed by Air India to investigate the matter, which banned Shankar from traveling in airlines for 4 months.

Will take action against the decision of the committee – the lawyer of the accused
Accused Shankar Mishra’s lawyer Akshat Bajpai has expressed displeasure over this decision of the airlines. Akshat said that his client Shankar disagrees with the committee’s decision. We will take action against it. The inquiry committee mistakenly assumed that seat 9B was in business class, whereas there is no seat 9B in Kraft’s business class. The flight has only 9A and 9C seats. The committee may have imagined that seat and assumed that our client urinated there.

What happened in this case so far?

November 26: Accused urinated on elderly woman on Air India’s New York-Delhi flight. The airline did not take any action on this incident.

December 28: The airline lodged an FIR with the Delhi Police. This action was taken when the victim elderly woman complained to the chairman of the Tata Group. However, it was not revealed that the victim wrote the letter to the Chairman of the Tata Group.

December 28 to January 4: During this, the police kept searching for the accused, but did not get success.

January 4: This news went viral in media and social media.

January 5: Delhi Police reached the house of the accused in Kurla in Mumbai. Here the police could not find the accused and his family. Sangeeta, the maid working at home, was found. He told that 3 children live with a woman in this house. She does not know the name of the family members, but the last name is Mishra.

January 6: Accused Shankar Mishra used to work in Wells Fargo & Company. The company fired him. The company said- We work on the higher standard of professional behavior. Such an act of our employee is unpardonable. The Delhi Police had issued a Look Out Circular (LOC) against the accused and informed about his disappearance to the US-based legal department of Wells Fargo Company. The accused was arrested from Bangalore.

January 7: Accused Shankar Mishra was brought from Bangalore to Delhi. He was produced in the court, from where the court sent him to judicial custody for 14 days.

The father of the accused had also said – the son was tired
This picture is of Shyam Mishra, father of accused Shankar Mishra.  Giving clarification on the allegations against the son, he said that it is possible that he is being blackmailed.

This picture is of Shyam Mishra, father of accused Shankar Mishra. Giving clarification on the allegations against the son, he said that it is possible that he is being blackmailed.

On the other hand, Shyam Mishra, the father of accused Shankar Mishra, has also given clarification on the allegations leveled against the son. He had said that all the allegations leveled against my son are fake. The victim had asked for compensation, we gave that too, then don’t know what happened. Perhaps the demand of the woman must have been something else which could not be fulfilled, that is why she is angry. It is possible that this is being done to blackmail him.

The father of the accused said that Shankar was tired. He had not slept for two days. He was given a drink in the flight, after which he fell asleep. When he woke up, the airline staff questioned him. My son is decent and cannot do such a thing.

Also read other news related to the case of urinating on a woman in flight…
Accused in Air India urine scandal sent to judicial custody, sent to jail for 14 days

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Crew members of Air India have reached IGI police station for questioning.

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