No clue of the prisoner who fled from Kapurthala: Police had brought him to the hospital for treatment from Modern Jail; escaped from emergency ward

KapurthalaOne hour ago

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Even after searching the whole night by the police in connection with the escaped late evening from the emergency ward of the Civil Hospital in Kapurthala, Punjab, the hands are still empty. Confirming the search for the hawalaati, SP D Harvinder Singh said that the hawalaati Sandeep Singh was arrested by the Jalandhar countryside police on charges of theft. The security guards also belonged to Jalandhar Police. At present, the police of both the districts are searching for him.

ran during the filing process

According to the information, on September 5, the Phillaur police of Jalandhar, a resident of Havalati Sandeep Singh, village Hambowal Kapurthala, was arrested on 5 September and registered case number 252. Due to which Sandeep Singh was lodged in Kapurthala Modern Jail. The said person was brought to the Civil Hospital for treatment late Wednesday evening due to illness. Right now the process of making slips and other formalities was being done in the emergency ward, that suddenly the hawalaati Sandeep Singh escaped from the emergency ward itself.

Police searched overnight

Immediately after getting information about the escape of the hawalaati Sandeep Singh, the PCR team and other police personnel immediately reached the spot and started searching for him all around. However, it is also being told by the Kapurthala police that the security guards along with the hawalaati belonged to the Jalandhar police. But at present, despite searching by the police of both the districts all night, no trace of Sandeep Singh has been found so far.

Phillaur police caught

SP D Harvinder Singh said that the hawalaati Sandeep Singh was arrested by the Phillaur police in the theft case. And only under the supervision of the security guards of Jalandhar Police came to the Civil Hospital for treatment. The search is on for the absconding hawala.

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