Nihang army took out Nagar Kirtan in Amritsar: Nihang organizations performed feats with horses and elephants on Captive Chhor Diwas

Amritsar6 hours ago

Nihang performing stunts at Panga Sahib Gurdwara.

A Mahalla (Nagar Kirtan) was taken out on behalf of Nihang Sikh Jathebandis on the occasion of Bandi Chhor Divas in Amritsar, Punjab. During this, all Nihang Jathebandis also performed stunts with horses and elephants at Mahalla Sahib Gurdwara B-Block Ranjit Avenue. Apart from this, the Nihang Jathebandis also showed the skills of Gatke.

Nihang performing stunts at Panga Sahib Gurdwara.

Sikh Jathebandis informed that the sixth Guru Sri Guru Hargobind Singh had brought 52 kingdoms to Amritsar from the Gwalior Fort. In this happiness, lamps of desi ghee were lit in the houses on behalf of the sangat. The very next day, the Sikh Jathebandis used to show their bravery. Which is called Mohalla or Nagar Kirtan. During this, the Nihangs show all the skills and methods of fighting that the Sikh Gurus learned and used while fighting during the Mughals.
Nihang arrived with an elephant.

Nihang arrived with an elephant.

People who came from far and wide to see the feat

People from far and wide gathered in Amritsar to see the skills of Nihang Jathebandis. During this time the Sikh Jathebandis taught the skills of archery, gatka, horse riding etc. Along with this, youths were also encouraged to join Gatke.

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