New electrical equipments are not available on Deepawali: New council has been formed since then there has been a shortage of new equipment of street lights, tenders were canceled for not supplying

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  • New Council Was Formed Since Then There Was A Shortage Of New Equipment Of Street Lights, Tenders Were Canceled For Not Supplying

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Bad equipment kept in the building premises of the corporation located near Etawah bus stand.

In only 45 wards of the Municipal Corporation, new electrical equipments are not available on Diwali, the holy festival of lights. For the past several days, on receiving complaints of darkness at some places in the wards, councilors go to the corporation and new equipment is not available. At some places on the festival, people will not get the light of street lights. Team members are working on repairing old equipment. Before the formation of the new council, the tender of the old contractor was over. After the formation of the council, a new tender was also given, but the contractor was using the electrical equipment of the local company instead of the branded company.

The equipment of the local company started deteriorating only a few days after it was installed. When this matter reached the Mayor Geeta Durgesh Agarwal, he issued work orders to install the equipment of branded companies in all the wards after the formation of the new council. The contractor got sweaty in installing the equipment of the company, so he stopped supplying the equipment. Since then, the condition of street lights started deteriorating in only 45 wards. Contractor’s tender is canceled for non-supply.

4 contractors supply electric goods, out of which one to three by canceling the tender and Rs. 2.50 lakh for the other. Have surrendered. Along with this, electric equipment worth Rs 11.50 lakh has also been seized. The mayor has signed the file of the new tender, work is likely to start soon after the tender is issued.

Corporation included in the cluster, since then could not buy equipment
Dewas Municipal Corporation was included in the LED cluster along with 12 to 14 municipal corporations. Due to which there was no right to buy the electrical equipment itself. Equipment has to be bought through the contractor, due to which the equipment of the local company is getting damaged again and again. Regarding this, the corporation mayor wrote a letter to the urban administration minister Bhupendra Singh to give permission to the corporation to buy LEDs. Unable to purchase without permission.

Since the formation of the new council, not a single tender has been issued for the construction work.
Since the formation of the new council of the Municipal Corporation, not a single tender has been issued for the new construction work. Residents are facing problems due to non-issue of tenders for development works. Congress councilor representative Rahul Panwar told that it has been three months for the new council, but tenders have not been issued for the construction work. Work is stuck in the wards due to non-release of tenders for street lights, sewerage works, pavers blocks, road construction, drain construction. If the development work does not start, then after the Diwali festival, there will be a fierce movement against the Municipal Corporation.

Contractor’s tender canceled
After meeting the departmental officers as well as the Urban Administration Minister Bhupendra Singh, he has written a letter to him to give permission to the Dewas Corporation to buy the LED itself. Get us out of the cluster. Permission not yet granted. The contractor was unable to supply the equipment, so his tenders were cancelled. Netsheet has been signed for issuing fresh tender for purchase of maintenance material. – Geeta Durgesh Agarwal, Mayor Nani Devas.

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