NASA created history, mission to save Earth was successful, DART spacecraft collided with asteroid, video

NASA DART Mission: Today is considered a historic day for the whole earth. Shortly before now, at 4:45 pm, NASA has made a big record. The Space Agency has successfully conducted a test to save the Earth from asteroids. Under this carried out his dart mission. NASA’s experiment to change the direction and speed of the asteroid was successful. However, the final report is yet to come.

NASA is sure that the big collision was successful due to the great destruction named Asteroid. That is, NASA’s mission Dart has been successful. As soon as the spacecraft collided with Dimorphos, the equivalent of a football stadium, the NASA team associated with Project DART jumped with joy. It was such a moment when scientists celebrated. Scientist was watching this historic moment of space by holding his heart, he started beating applause as soon as the collision happened.

Actually, NASA wanted to see through Project Dart whether there is any impact of the collision of the spacecraft on the asteroid or not? Does the collision of the spacecraft affect the direction and speed of the asteroid or not? These questions will be answered in detail only after the detailed report comes, but NASA scientists are sure that the collision of the spacecraft has definitely affected Dimorphos. Impact success also means the same thing, but NASA’s report will come out very soon on how much impact has been.

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