More than 100 dengue patients in Jalandhar: Health department launched larva checking campaign; 250 houses examined; fogging done

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  • Increase Dengue Patients In Jalandhar, 100 Patients Registered In City, Health Department Launched A Campaign For Larva Checking

JalandharOne hour ago

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The corona epidemic has not yet completely gone that a new disease has been embraced in the form of dengue. With the end of the rainy season, the number of dengue patients has suddenly started increasing in the city. The information of more than 100 patients suffering from this mosquito-borne disease has been officially recorded in Jalandhar city. There is no account of how many patients are getting treatment in private hospitals or clinics.
Municipal corporation employees fogging in Jalandhar.

Municipal corporation employees fogging in Jalandhar.

At the same time, the health department has also become active as the outbreak of dengue spread in the city. The Health Department has launched a campaign to destroy the dengue mosquito, the larva from which it is born in the city. In the areas of the city from where information about patients is coming, the health department team is going to their homes and searching for the larva.

Health department employees are looking for larvae by going to homes, looking for empty open cans, coolers, tires or even water collected in the open. On Saturday also the health department team visited about 250 places in Jalandhar city and searched for the larvae of dengue mosquito and also made people aware about dengue mosquito.

The municipal corporation has also been active in the areas of the city where water remains standing, the slum areas from where more cases of dengue are coming. Municipal corporation employees are fogging in such areas to kill mosquitoes. Apart from this, people are also being advised not to allow water to accumulate around the houses or on the roofs. Larvae will not be born.

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