Missing youth found hanging from tree in Mahoba: Family accuses village head of murder in election rivalry

Mahoba18 minutes ago

In Majhalwara village of Mahoba city Kotwali area, there was a stir when the body of a 35-year-old youth, missing for two days, was found hanging in a tree outside the village. The relatives of the deceased have made serious allegations of killing the village headman due to electoral rivalry.

It is alleged that due to not voting during the Gram Panchayat elections, the head feels enmity. Due to which he has committed the murder. On receiving the information, the city police also reached the spot. Further action is being taken by taking possession of the dead body.

There was a dispute between the two sides

The whole matter is of Majhalwara village under the city Kotwali area of ​​the district. Where the body of a 35-year-old youth, Jai Singh Rajput, was found hanging in a tree. The relatives of the deceased, Jang Bahadur, Balram and Bhagwati tell that the village head Puran Srivas considers enmity for not voting during the Gram Panchayat elections.

There has been a dispute about this in the past as well. In which there was a dispute with the deceased Jai Singh over filling water in the hand pump installed in the village by the village head. There was fierce fighting between the two sides.

Was seen with Pradhan 2 days ago

The suit in the case was also written on behalf of both the parties. This rivalry is still going on. In such a situation, the body of Jaisingh Rajput, who went missing 2 days ago, was found hanging in a tree outside the village today. After this a crowd of people gathered. Family members tell that everyone was looking for him.

Today the dead body was found hanging in the tree. The members of the family allege that the village head feels enmity for not voting during the election. He has threatened to face the consequences several times. They suspect that the village head has carried out this incident. Family members say that 2 days ago, the deceased Jaisingh Rajput has been seen with the village head.

The body was sent for post-mortem

He has accused the village head of killing himself and hanging the dead body on a tree. As soon as the information about the dead body hanging in the tree, the city police also reached the spot. The body has been sent for post-mortem after taking down the panchnama.

City Kotwal Balram Singh says that investigation is being done from every aspect regarding the incident. The body has been sent for post-mortem. The reason for the suspected death will be clear after the post-mortem report comes. No complaint has been received from the family side yet. Further action will be taken as soon as the complaint is received.

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