Minorities were the most targeted in India during Corona, ranking worse than Nigeria

Social Hostilities Index: America’s think tank Pew Research Center has told in a study that during Corona, minorities were the most targeted on religious grounds in India. In this study of Pew Research Center, India has been placed at number one in the list of worst performing countries. It has been said that in the year 2020, India was at the top of the countries in the world where minorities were targeted under the guise of an epidemic. For this, many campaigns were also launched on social media.

In this study of American think tank, it has been told that during the Corona epidemic, minorities were targeted by running different types of hashtags. Which includes hashtags like #CoronaJihad.

India behind Nigeria-Pakistan
A total of 198 countries have been included in this study, in which the worst performance was of India. In the study, 11 such countries have been separated, which have performed worst in the Social Hostilities Index (SHI). In this, India has also been shown behind Nigeria, Afghanistan, Israel, Mali, Somalia and Pakistan. Countries like Egypt, Libya and Syria are also included in this list. Ranking first in the list means worst performance.

Referring to the anti-CAA protests in India
Pew Research Center has told in its study that India’s SHI ranking was already bad. When there were demonstrations against the Citizenship Act (CAA) in India in the year 2019, even then India was included in the ‘Very High’ category of the index. In fact, in this report released on Tuesday, November 29, it has been told that in the year 2020, when restrictions were imposed regarding the Corona epidemic, how religious organizations were targeted all over the world. The controversy regarding the Tablighi Jamaat in the capital Delhi at the beginning of Corona has also been included in it. In which Islamophobic hashtags were used on social media and Muslims were accused of being responsible for spreading Corona.

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Attacks on minorities during Corona
In this report of the American think tank, such countries have also been separated, where minorities were attacked by any person or organization during the Corona epidemic. India is also included in this list. Countries like India, Argentina, Italy and America are included in the violence against minorities by accusing them of spreading corona. Where people were targeted on religious grounds and violence happened to them. Many such reports came out from these countries including India, in which it was told that minorities were attacked on the allegation of spreading corona.

It has also been told in this study that minorities in many countries raised this bar in the court that more strictness is being exercised in their religious places. They argued that they were discriminated against in secular religious places. Out of 198 countries, such incidents were seen in 46 countries. At the same time, there were 97 such countries where all religious leaders and organizations came forward and appealed to fight against Corona and themselves supported the restrictions.

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