Minor who went to college in Amritsar went missing: Police technical team recovered from Ludhiana and handed over to family in 24 hours

Amritsar43 minutes ago

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ACP Varinder Singh Khosa handing over the minor girl to the family.

The minor girl who went missing from Amritsar district of Punjab was recovered by the police late on Monday evening and handed over to the family. The girl had reached Ludhiana after getting angry with the family members. Within 24 hours of receiving the complaint, the Cyber ​​Cell of Amritsar Police traced the girl. After meeting the girl, the family also thanked the police. The matter is of Saturday.

A 17-year-old minor resident of Sandhu Colony had left home for college, but did not return home till evening. The family started looking for him. Contacted all relatives, but the girl could not be traced. On Sunday, the family gave a complaint to the police station Sadar. ACP Varinder Singh Khosa informed that the cyber cell team was activated to find the girl immediately.

Minor recovered from Ludhiana

The minor got angry with something and first went to college and then from there to Ludhiana. During this, the girl also kept her phone switched off, but as soon as the phone was activated, the police traced her location and contacted the Ludhiana Police. By Monday evening, the girl was traced and handed over to the family.

Report the missing to the police soon

ACP Khosa said that whenever someone is missing, his complaint should be immediately reported to the police. As the difference in time increases, it becomes difficult to find the missing. In such a situation, the police should be contacted as soon as possible, so that the missing can be reunited with the family immediately.

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