Minister Anil Rajbhar told OP Rajbhar Aslam: Said- they are the means of entertainment, triple talaq law made for people of crazy mentality

Ghazipur10 minutes ago

UP cabinet minister Anil Rajbhar reached Ghazipur today. He has been made in-charge of Ghazipur for the Municipality and Nagar Panchayat elections. He met the BJP workers along with the possible candidates regarding the election and discussed with all the people regarding the election. Along with this, he also took a jibe at OP Rajbhar.

Anil Rajbhar said that a meeting has been held in Ghazipur regarding municipal and nagar panchayat elections. In which discussions were held on how to wave the lotus symbol in the municipal elections, how our candidates should be victorious, how to convert the votes of the common voters from the side of the Bharatiya Janata Party so that the party’s victory is ensured.

Anil Rajbhar, cabinet minister of the UP government.

Fake madrasas will be closed
Regarding the fake madrassa, he said that if there comes a case of running any institution in a fake way, we will take strict action against it. If fake madrasas are running then they will be closed.

Mothers are supposed to consider sisters to be animals
Statement given by AIMI State President recently that we respect wives by doing three marriages. On this, he said that these people are people of sick mentality. Especially there are people who consider mothers and sisters as animals. People of animal mentality will have to understand that it is the time of Modi and Yogi’s government is running in the state. The triple talaq law which has been made is designed to cure people of crazy mentality.

Careful travel will not make any difference
On the careful visit of Omprakash Rajbhar, he said that we have changed his name to Aslam Rajbhar. He has become a source of entertainment for the media companions. It is not going to make any difference to such people who take a careful journey or take out anything.

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