Michelle unveils Barack’s passion for coaching Sasha’s 4th grade basketball team on Tonight Show with shocking details

Former first lady Michelle Obama spilled the beans on a little-known fact about her husband’s involvement in their daughter’s fourth grade basketball league on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Apparently, Barack Obama, along with his aide Reggie Love, would attend Sasha’s games and noticed that the girls were not playing to their full potential. So, naturally, the former president took it upon himself to coach the team.

Michelle Obama with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.

“He had them practicing. He taught them plays,” Michelle shared with Fallon. “And the funny thing is, it wasn’t only Sasha on the team, but it was Maisie Biden, Joe’s youngest granddaughter. They’re very good friends.”

The games quickly became a spectacle with the president, vice president, first and second ladies, and all their details attending. Michelle joked that it was a tough situation for the opposing team, especially with Joe Biden yelling from the sidelines. “Imagine being the poor kids on the other team,” she said.

But all the hard work paid off in the end. The team, named the Vipers, went on to win the championship, much to the delight of the proud parents and coaches.

Barack Obama’s involvement in his daughter’s fourth-grade basketball league is a testament to the fact that being a parent trumps even being the President of the United States. It just goes to show that even in the midst of running a country, Barack Obama still had time to coach his daughter’s basketball team to victory. And who knows, maybe he’ll come out of retirement one day to coach a professional team. We can only dream.

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