Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: Risk factors, symptoms and treatment of this eye condition

Meibomian glands happen to be tiny oil glands that are present inside the eyelids with openings on the eyelids’ edges (the edges that touch when the eye is closed). There are nearly thirty to forty meibomian glands present in the upper eyelid and twenty to thirty meibomian glands present in the lower eyelid.

The function of these glands is to secrete oil which covers the surface of the eyes and helps the water component on the eye from evaporating. The tear film of the eyes is made up of the lipid layer, water and mucous and these three layers must work in collaboration to keep the eyes healthy and prevent any type of eye infection.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Vipul Mandaviya, Consultant at Shivam Eye Hospital in Surat and Medical Adviser for Entod Pharmaceuticals, explained, “Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) occurs when the glands are not able to secrete sufficient oil or when the oil secreted is of poor quality. At times, the openings of the glands may get clogged resulting in less secretion and the oil that comes out can be unhealthy or granular which may cause irritation, eye inflammation and increase dry eye symptoms.”

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Risk Factors

As already discussed, MGD is quite common and occurs when the glands are not able to produce enough oil or it is of poor quality. A study involving 233 participants revealed that at least 59 per cent of them exhibited symptoms of MGD.

Dr Vipul Mandaviya shared, “When meibomian gland dysfunction becomes a chronic issue and the glands are persistently clogged or blocked, oil secretion becomes impossible and can lead to permanent damage of the tear film. It is a condition that can affect anyone however, age certainly plays a factor in the disease.” He revealed some of the risk factors of MGD:

1. People over the age of 40 are at an increased risk of developing meibomian gland dysfunctions. With age, there is decreased lipid production by the meibomian glands

2. Eye makeup if not completely removed can cause the obstruction of meibomian glands

3. Digital eye strain can cause MGD due to a reduction in blinking

4. Damaged or inflamed eyelid or cornea

5. High triglycerides and cholesterol

6. Allergic conjunctivitis as well as other eye diseases

7. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rosacea, Sjögren’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis

8. Bacterial Infection

Some medicines may also cause MGD:

1. Drugs that lessen androgen

2. Estrogen replacement therapy

3. Retinoids that are usually found in anti-ageing creams and acne medication

Symptoms of MGD:

According to Dr Vipul Mandaviya, in the early stages of the conditions there may be no symptoms but when left untreated, it can start to show different symptoms like:

1. Burning

2. Dryness

3. Itching

4. Crustiness/stickiness

5. Light sensitivity

6. Watering

7. Foreign body sensation

8. Red eyes

9. Intermittent blurry vision

10. Styes/chalazion

Preventive tips and treatments:

There are various ways to eyelash/eyelid hygiene to get rid of the bacteria, oil and dead skin build-up. During the early stages of the disease, self-care is the best way to deal with it. Dr Vipul Mandaviya recommended:

1. Warm Compresses – Applying a little bit of heat to the eyelid margins can help increase oil production as well as clear off the solid crusty oil. It is always advisable to use a moderately warm washcloth to apply heat to the eyelids for 4-5 minutes. Repeat it twice a day.

2. Massage – During the warm compress application, one can apply light pressure to the eyelid margin just over the eyelashes with the tip of a finger. Gently press the finger upward on the lower eyelid while looking up, then roll it down on the upper eyelid while looking down.

3. Avoid Makeup – Beauty and makeup products must be completely avoided in the eye areas.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor may also prescribe:

1. Lubricants

2. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements as it improves the consistency and quality of the oil produced by the meibomian glands

3. Antibiotics

4. Steroids

When MGD is diagnosed in a person, it is important to provide timely treatment to the person. Also, it is vital that one sticks to the homecare regime and avoids anything that can aggravate the symptoms.

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