Maternity death after delivery in Barabanki: Family created a ruckus in the hospital, said – even after giving blood, doctors did not donate

barabanki17 minutes ago

This picture is of Mamta. It died after delivery.

A woman died after delivery at District Women’s Hospital in Barabanki. Angry relatives started a ruckus in the hospital premises itself, accusing the doctors of negligence. On getting information about the uproar, the city police reached the spot. The police pacified the family by assuring action. After this, the police took the body in possession and sent it for post-mortem.

The matter is of District Women’s Hospital of Barabanki. Akash Verma of Vikauli village of Safdarganj police station area here admitted his wife Mamta Verma to the District Women’s Hospital on Monday due to labor pain. Akash alleges that my wife had a child. After this the doctors demanded one unit of blood. I brought one unit of blood and gave it to the doctors. But the doctors did not transfuse blood to the pregnant woman. Due to this, the mother died a few hours later.

Relatives weeping after the death of a woman after delivery in Barabanki.

Police calmed down by assuring action

After the death of the woman, the relatives created a ruckus in the hospital premises for hours to take action on the doctors doing duty. As soon as the information about the uproar was received, the city police reached the spot. The police listened to the family members and assured them of action. After that the family calmed down. Police say that further action will be taken after the post-mortem report is received.

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