Male fertility tips: Ways to maintain sexual wellness for men in their 30s

Men in their 30s are now more likely to experience sexual health problems and this can be ascribed to the stress and sedentary lifestyle that have become inextricably linked to our lives. The number of males experiencing sexual health problems was formerly approximately one in every twenty men but this has recently climbed to around 30%.

Men in their 20s are extremely fertile, have a high libido and have a faster metabolism but bodily functions appear to shift in their late 30s for various biological causes, leading to sexual health difficulties. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Chirag Bhandari, Founder of Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health (IASH), revealed some sexual issues that men can face in their late 30s:

1. Erectile Dysfunction – Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder that makes it difficult to obtain and maintain an appropriate erection for intercourse. The problem affects men in their 30s because the body undergoes several changes with age such as increased prostate size or decreased testosterone levels.

2. Premature Ejaculation – Premature ejaculation happens when a man achieves orgasm and ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would prefer during intercourse. Though the condition is frequent among guys, it becomes more prevalent in men in their late 30s.

3. Low Sperm Count – A low sperm count, commonly known as oligozoospermia is when a man has less than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen.

4. Low testosterone levels – Male hypogonadism (low testosterone) is a disorder in which the testes (male reproductive glands) do not generate adequate testosterone. Low testosterone levels may further lead to, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, and loss of muscular strength.

5. Increased Chances of STD – It has been observed that men in their 30s are more promiscuous and hence more prone to contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as Hepatitis, Syphilis, etc.

Talking about how to maintain sexual wellness in men’s late 30s, Dr Chirag Bhandari suggested some lifestyle modifications and practices that men must make to stay fit and sexually well:

1. Keep an eye on your testosterone levels – Low testosterone levels cause a variety of ailments, including hair loss, decreased libido, depression, and memory loss, resulting in a vicious circle. To avoid this, consume meat, fish, cheese and yoghurt regularly and consult your doctor if any of the symptoms persist.

2. Limit alcohol consumption – It is fine to have a glass or two of red wine every day, but if you drink more than that, you may wave goodbye to love-making sessions since excessive drinking not only destroys your liver and intestines but also decreases your libido.

3. Do not compromise with your sleep – A minimum of 6 hours of sleep is recommended because it benefits your brain health, manages your stress levels and most importantly optimizes male hormone production, which helps you maintain a healthy libido to satisfy your partner. Men who sleep for fewer than 6 hours have a higher risk of stroke and heart disease.

4. Consult a professional – In a country like India, there is still a lot of taboo around talking about sexual wellness, especially for men. People suffer from sexual issues but hesitate to consult a doctor. It is therefore very important, that men themselves are made aware of sexual health and the issues they might face, so that if symptoms arise they can consult a professional and get timely treatment and assistance.

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