Madonna put her tongue into Al Pacino’s ear, alleges singer’s ex-roommate

Madonna’s former roommate Whitley Hill has made sensational claims about the singer. In an interaction with author Mary Gabriel for the newly-released biography about Madonna, “Madonna: A Rebel Life,” Hill revealed that Madonna inserted her tongue into Al Pacino’s ear when the two superstars met for the first time.
Madonna (AFP)

The incident happened in late 1970s when Hill and Madonna were introduced to Pacino by Hill’s father during a dinner in New York City.

Hill revealed that when Pacino came to meet them at the dinner, Madonna started chewing a stick of gum in a slow, deliberate manner.

“I think the idea here is to call attention to her mouth,” explains Hill in the book.

After the dinner, Madonna, Hill and Pacino were driven to home by Hill’s father actor Ed Setrakian. Once they reached home, Setrakian informed Hill about what Madonna did to Pacino while on the way in the car.

“That friend of your daughter’s stuck her tongue in my ear. When we were driving home, she leaned over and stuck her tongue in my ear!,”Hill recalls Pacino telling her father, as per the biography.

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Interestingly, Madonna and Pacino together acted in the 1990 film Dick Tracy.

Recently, in June, Madonna had suffered a major health scare and a near death experience which led to her hospitalisation. As per reports, Madonna was intubated at a New York hospital after suffering a life-threatening bacterial infection. She had spent days on a ventilator during the health scare. The star singer was allegedly revived with Narcan before being admitted to the ICU.

Having recovered fully from the health crisis, Madonna is set to start her much-awaited Celebration Tour from October 14, 2023. She will perform concerts and shows in North America and Europe during the tour.

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