Ludhiana sitting on gunpowder: A cache of firecrackers found in the salt market, 250 to 300 boxes recovered, the goods were hidden from the tarpaulin in the market itself

Vivek Sharma5 minutes ago

Police raid on firecrackers in salt market.

The city of Ludhiana in Punjab is sitting on gunpowder. Anytime this gunpowder can explode and there can be a big accident in the city. The police have started cracking down on cracker traders. These screws are being tightened on those firecracker traders who store firecrackers in godowns before time.

At the same time, those who do not have a license for firecrackers, the police have started running their baton. Let us tell you that the police of police station Kotwali raided the salt market behind Gudmandi late at night. The police had strong information that a firecracker trader had hidden firecracker boxes in a tarpaulin on the road itself.

Police checking firecrackers.

The goods had to be moved from here to there during the late night. In time, the police raided the salt market and recovered 250 to 300 boxes of firecrackers. Let us tell you that it is only a trailer to get such quantity of boxes of firecrackers. It is being told that there is a building in front of the place where these boxes have been found, in which a large quantity of firecrackers have been stored. Seeing the raid of the police, some people left the building by locking it from the spot.
Police investigating

Police investigating

It was fortunate that there was no such incident like fire in this market, otherwise there would have been a big accident due to bursting of firecrackers. In this case, ADCP Rupinder Kaur Saran has ordered SHO Kuldeep Singh of Police Station Kotwali to get the building checked and report it by videography. Police have registered a case against firecracker businessman Sanjay Singla. Let us tell you that the cost of these firecrackers is being told 20 to 25 lakhs.

Intermediaries engaged in setting up
Getting such a large quantity of firecrackers is a big success in the hands of the police but some people of the person who kept the firecrackers were creating political pressure on the police. At the same time, the police personnel who were posted on the spot were getting calls from the police officers of other cities. But the police did not listen to anyone and registered a case against the accused. According to the police, the number of boxes of firecrackers is so high that there is no idea of ​​the goods yet.

There could have been a big accident in the slum markets
Let us tell you that about 27 ago, firecrackers had caught fire in Gudmandi, due to which there was a big accident. Since then the police has swung into action and no one is ordered to keep crackers in slum markets during Diwali. Now, if there was a fire in the market where the firecrackers were stored today, then even the fire brigade could not extinguish the fire in time.

Due to being a slum area, thousands of people keep coming here often. At the same time, daily business of lakhs of rupees is done by those selling rice, flour, oil etc. Many shopkeepers also said that if the action taken by the police in time was better, otherwise there could have been a major accident at any time.

After loading the firecracker boxes, the police station was kept at Kotwali at 1 pm. The entire incident is being videographed and sent to the higher authorities.

What to say about ADCP Rupinder Kaur Saran
ADCP Rupinder Kaur Saran said that the safety of the residents of the city is based on the initiative. People are urged to cooperate with the police. Police will take action by telling about those who are wrongly storing firecrackers etc. in residential areas. At the same time, there is an appeal to the people not to keep firecrackers in the markets without a license or without any protection.

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