Lowest corona cases in the country after 31 months, no one died for the first time in 32 months

Coronavirus Cases Update In India: The risk of corona virus in India has reduced significantly. In the last 24 hours, 625 new cases of corona were reported and no person has died. This has happened after 31 months when so few cases of corona were registered in a day. Earlier on 9 April 2020, 540 cases were reported. At the same time, this is the first time after 32 months when no case of death due to infection was reported in 24 hours. Earlier in March 2020, no one died of corona.

The number of people infected with corona in the country has increased to 4 crore 46 lakh 62 thousand 141. The death toll from Corona remains only 5 lakh 30 thousand 509.

The number of active patients decreased

According to the data, the number of active patients infected with corona virus in the country decreased from 14 thousand 515 to 14 thousand 021, which is 0.03 percent of the total cases. The national recovery rate of patients has increased to 98.78 percent.

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According to the new figures, so far a total of 4 crore 41 lakh 17 thousand 611 people have become infection free in the country, while the death rate from Kovid-19 is 1.19 percent. At the same time, 219.74 crore doses of anti-Kovid-19 vaccines have been given so far under the nationwide vaccination campaign. In the last 24 hours, 1 lakh 43 thousand 638 took the vaccine to protect against corona.

past figures of corona

The number of corona virus infected in India had exceeded 20 lakhs on 7 August 2020, 30 lakhs on 23rd August 2020 and 40 lakhs on 5th September 2020. The total cases of infection crossed 50 lakh on 16 September 2020, 60 lakh on 28 September 2020, 70 lakh on 11 October 2020, 80 lakh on 29 October 2020 and 90 lakh on 20 November.

On December 19, 2020, these cases had exceeded one crore in the country. Last year, on May 4, the number of infected had crossed 20 million and on June 23, 2021, it had crossed 30 million. On January 25 this year, the total cases of infection had crossed four crores.

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